Chapter Seventy One

Start from the beginning

Once they're sure Bella's gone, Zayn arches an eyebrow at Liam, who gestures for him to start talking, Zayn rolls his eyes and sighs before turning to face his sister again. Doniya just laughs at him before she starts talking, "I'm guessing you talked to Liam about me being a surrogate for you guys?" she asks. Zayn rolls his eyes at his sister before nodding, "yeah, and we want to do it, and were wondering when would work best for you" he mumbles. Liam massages at his shoulders and Zayn relaxes into the touch, Doniya grins, coming over to sit beside the two men, "I'm honestly ready when you two are, and I'm guessing you want to soon, right?" she asks. Zayn nods, "we were hoping, kind of immediately actually" he murmurs, Doniya grins, clapping her hands, "perfect, you guys call the doctor and let me know when and where and I'll be there" she exclaims, pressing a kiss to Zayn and then Liam's cheeks. "Doniya, you have no idea what this means to us, to me. Thank you" Liam murmurs, and she grins at him, "honestly Liam you're welcome, I'm happy to help you guys out" Doniya murmurs, Zayn just smiles at the pair before he's distracted by a small face peeking around the corner into the room.

"Arabella?" Zayn calls out and the toddler squeaks before she peeks further into the room, "yes Baba?" she asks. Zayn grins arching an eyebrow at her, "were you listening in on our conversation" he asks, gesturing for Bella to come and sit with them, she bites her lip before shaking her head and Zayn just arches an eyebrow. Bella sighs as she climbs onto Liam's lap, "yes Baba" she sighs Zayn frowns because in the last few weeks Bella has started hiding and spying on conversations him and Liam are having alone, he knows it's not the worst thing, but he also doesn't want it to become a habit for her. "What has Baba told you about that, Princess?" Liam asks and Bella pouts, "not to, but Daddy wanted to see Auntie Dee" she mumbles in response. Doniya raises her hands in defense, "don't drag me into this" she jokes and Zayn laughs lightly, "Bells, I'm not upset with you baby girl, just please stop spying" he murmurs. Bella pouts, before she nods her head, "sorry Baba, sorry Daddy" she murmurs and Zayn and Liam both nod, before both men wrap her in a hug. Doniya coos at the little family, "I'm going to head home, call me when you know the appointment, alright?" she asks, Zayn pulls away from his family and nods, standing up, but Doniya stops him. "No you stay here, I can let myself out, I'll see you soon little brother" she says, "bye Bella" Doniya calls as she leaves the room. The sound of the door opening and closing a moment later.

Once Doniya is gone Liam moves to get up from the couch, Zayn pouts up at him, Bella copying him soon after which makes Zayn grin slightly, Liam sighs, both of you stop it, I'm just going to get a drink" he mumbles. Zayn laughs dropping his pout and gesturing for Liam to go on, wrapping his arms tighter around Bella once he does so. "Baba?" Bella asks quietly, playing with his fingers, Zayn furrows his eyebrows, "yeah Boo?" he asks and she bites her bottom lip, "Auntie, baby?" she asks, cockng her head to the side. Zayn's eyes widen just as Liam comes back in carrying a glass of water, unsure of how to answer the question, Bella's mentioned having a little brother, but Zayn's never really discussed the possibility with her. He knows they're going to have to, sooner than later, but he just doesn't know how. "No, Love Auntie's not having a baby. Not yet" Zayn answers slowly and Bella frowns at him, shaking her head, but she doesn't say anything else, and right now Zayn is more than thankful for that.

They sit quietly for a moment after that before Liam clears his throat and both Bella and Zayn turn to look at him, "what?" he asks and Zayn arches an eyebrow while Bella giggles, "what was that Li?" Zayn asks. Liam shrugs, "I needed to clear my throat" he answers slowly and Zayn rolls his eyes "Bella? Can we talk for a minute?" Zayn asks, deciding now is as good a time as any to bring up the subject of another baby. Bella pouts, but nods her head, "how would you feel about having a little brother or sister? Zayn asks carefully, watching her face as he does so. Bella smiles widely as she claps her hands and bounces slightly on Zayn's lap, "Bella big sister?" she asks excitedly and Zayn chuckles, gripping her tighter to stop her bouncing, "maybe" Liam answers slowly, and Bella pouts at him "what Daddy means is, it's not going to happen right away. It could take a long time before we actually have a baby" Zayn explains, brushing some hair out of Bella's face. The three year old pouts, cocking her head to the side again, before she nods "okay Baba, want brother" she decides. Zayn chuckles shaking his head, "unfortunately, you don't get to pick that" he laughs and Bella pouts "why Baba?" she asks innocently. "Yeah, why Baba?" Liam parrots and Zayn glares at him, "because...Daddy gets to choose this time, because I got to choose with you" Zayn says slowly and Liam chokes on the sip of water he just took. The answer is good enough for Bella though because she moves from Zayn's lap to Liam's and holds his face in her hands "Daddy, pick brother" she says seriously and Liam nods, "I'll do my best" he assures her.

Bella takes off to her room after the conversation about babies and brothers and Liam turns to Zayn arching an eyebrow at him, Zayn just blinks back at his fiancé an innocent smile on his face. "Daddy gets to choose?" Liam asks and Zayn smirks, "technically it wasn't wrong, in all seriousness the gender of the baby will be decided by you" he points out and Liam groans while Zayn cuddles into him. Liam shakes his head, "you're terrible" he mumbles and Zayn laughs lightly "but you love me" he chuckles, leaning up to kiss at Liam's jaw, knowing the older man can never stay mad at him, not that he really is anyways. "What do you want?" Liam asks quietly, after a few minutes of silence, Zayn shrugs, moving around so he can look at the man he loves, "honestly?" Zayn asks and Liam nods, "a boy would be great, but I really don't care, as long as they're healthy" Zayn answers, Liam nods slowly, "good, I kind of want a boy too, but I agree with you, that it doesn't matter" he murmurs. Zayn grins, and presses another kiss to Liam's jaw, "we should probably worry about actually conceiving a baby, before we worry about what they will be" he mumbles against his skin, and Liam hums, nodding his head, before he turns to catch Zayn's lips in a kiss, and Zayn doesn't fight him, just adjusts himself so he can kiss Liam back.

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