Chapter 15

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As they walk around Konoha, they noticed that a lot of people are greeting the older team 7 politely, especially the seventh hokage.

"Wow....I didn't expect your future self to be respected a lot, Naruto," younger Sakura said in awe.

Younger Naruto hit his chest in a prideful way, "Of course!! I will be the hokage, after all!"

"Dobe," Sasuke muttered.

Then a familiar couple, with their kid trailing behind them, went to the older team 7 and greeted them.

"Naruto! Sasuke! Forehead-girl!" Ino called, waving at them.

An irk mark appeared on older Sakura's forehead, "Don't call me that! I don't have a large forehead anymore, Ino-pig!"

Sai gave a fake smile at them, "Ugly, please don't mind her."

Older Sakura glared at him, "Why you little!"

"Anyways..." Ino paused as she noticed the younger team 7. "Kya! Aren't they your past selves?!"

The younger team 7 looked at Ino in curiosity.

Younger Sakura spoke, "Ino-pig?"

Ino panicked, "W-what are they doing here? H-how?! Please tell me this is a dream!!!"

"Apparently it isn't," Sai gave another fake smile.

"Sai?" Younger Naruto asked.

"Yes, dickless?" Sai replied, only to be smacked by both older Sakura and Ino.

"Shhh! The kids must not hear those language!" Ino hissed, pointing towards Sarada, Boruto and the newly-arrived Inojin.

The younger team 7 looked at Inojin. "Is that Sai and Ino's daughter?"

Inojin sighed, "I am not a girl. I am a boy!"

"Oh sorry. It's just that you really look like a girl, since you're cute," younger Sakura apologized.

"It's okay. Many people said that to me too," Inojin sighed, getting a pityful pat on the back by Boruto.

"Anyway," Ino turned to older Sakura, "How do they get here?"

"Uh..." Sakura scratched the back of her neck, "You see....."

Sakura began telling everything to Ino.

Ino nodded, "Boruto really is a troublemaker, just like his father..."

Two "HEY!"s were heard.

Then, Hinata and Himawari came to the scene.

"HINATA-CHAN! HIMA-HIME!" older Naruto cried as he hugged the both of them.

Boruto joined the hug too, "Okaa-san! Hima-chan!"

Hinata asked worriedly, "Where are you?! You have been gone for days and I was very worried!!"

" sweet of you, Hina-chan. But you know I can handle myself right?" Older Naruto chuckled and kissed Hinata's cheek, "I am the hokage 'ttebayo! And I cannot get into any danger easily!"

Hinata smiled at him, her cheek becoming warm. She hugged her blonde husband, resting her head on his shoulder.

"Otou-san! Onii-san!" Himawari cried, "Himawari is so worried!"

Boruto patted Himawari's head and grinned, "Don't worry, Hima-chan! We're safe and unharmed, right?"

Himawari hugged him, "Himawari misses onii-san so much!"

Boruto chuckled and patted her tiny head, "Me too."

Meanwhile, tears started to gather around younger Naruto's eyes as he watched the family reunion.

Older Sakura noticed it and smiled warmly at him, patting his right shoulder, "Come on, Naruto. Join them."

Younger Naruto sniffed and shook his head, not wanting to be a burden. It's been so long...too long....He has been wishing for a family since he was just so small, and now, he could really see his new family before him. He couldn't believe it. It all looks like a dream to him....a dream come true.

Older Sakura sighed and called the happy family, interrupting their special moment, "Please excuse me for ruining your moment, but someone here *pointing to younger Naruto* needs a special attention too."

They looked at the pointed boy, whose eyes are glassy and slightly red, trying to hold in the happy tears in his eyes from coming out.

"Oh my!" Hinata gasped, "Isn't that Naruto when he was young?"

"He looks so much like otou-san!" Himawari giggled.

"Well, yes," older Naruto said, "He really is my past self. Not a clone, not a genjutsu, not a cosplay. He really is me."

Hinata gasped again, looking at older Naruto, then to younger Naruto, and back to older Naruto again, "But how?"

"'s quite a long story," older Naruto mumbled as he told the story to Hinata.

"What?!" Hinata exclaimed as she turned to glare at her son, who is giving her puppy eyes.

"Who can blame a small innocent kid for opening a forbidden scroll out of curiosity?" Boruto asked with the cutest voice he could make.

Sarada scoffed and hit Boruto on the head, "Everyone!"

Hinata sighed and put her hands on her hips, "Just make sure you don't ever do that again without your father's permission."

After lecturing Boruto, Hinata turned to younger Naruto who still feel left out. She gave a graceful and warm smile and walked towards him.

When she was close enough, she stretched her arms open to hug him. Younger Naruto blushed with the sudden contact.

"I really miss the old you," Hinata whispered. "Back in the old days you still have longer hair, unlike now...."

And of course, older Naruto got offended. But who could blame her? It was entirely his idea to cut his hair shorter. And in Boruto's language, it was so uncool.

Speaking of Boruto, he let out a 'pfft' and nodded in agreement, getting a glare from his father.

Hinata gestured older Naruto, Boruto and Himawari to join the hug. So they did.

Naruto never felt happier. He never get a sweet, comforting and loving hug before. He felt tears build up in his eyes again.

As they broke the hug, Himawari complimented, "Tou-san looks handsome when he was younger."

Hearing this statement, both Naruto blushed.

Younger Naruto examined Himawari and smiled, "So you are Himawari? You looks so much like Hinata-chan. Kawaii~!!"

Himawari blushed deep shade of crimson before fainting. Fortunately, younger Naruto caught her before her small figure could land onto the ground.

"Hehe," younger Naruto chuckled nervously, "Just like Hinata-chan."

And younger Naruto figured, that this was the best day in his whole life, and he wasn't going to forget any little detail of it.

Because he is finally with his family.

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