Chapter 4

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Sasuke and Sarada was walking through the Konoha Streets, with Sakura in Sasuke's arms.

There was an awkward silence between them, but fortunately, neither of them noticed. They were too focused about the different surroundings.

'Hn.....the Konoha I know was more modern, and there are more shops and citizens too. Well, this IS the past,' Sarada thought.

'Hn. Much more shops and citizens means that Konoha is more annoying,' Sasuke thought.

Then they stopped at the all great and mighty ramen stand, the Ichiraku.

Sarada gasped inwardly, 'What?! Ichiraku?! The last time I checked Ichiraku was as wide as four shops combined together!!!'

They entered and sweatdropped at the sight of two blondes munching down ramen bowls in a very fast speed. Probably three ramen bowls/seconds.

Boruto was the first to notice their presence. He shouted, with ramen still in his mouth, "Sharata! Coum an siet bewide mea! (Sarada! Come and sit beside me!)"

He soon choked on his food and Sarada smacked his head for the how-many-times-this-day, "Baka! Don't talk with your mouth full! It's annoying!"

"B-but I haven't eat any ramen for a long time dattebasa!!" Boruto cried anime tears.

"Are you kidding me?! You just ate five bowls of ramen this morning!" Sarada retorted as she smacked his head again.

"Hn, Dobes," Sasuke snorted, as he gently put a-now-conscious Sakura down. Well, let's just say that Sakura is blushing slightly. And Sasuke was smirking proudly, 'Hn, She truly is my daughter.', looking at Sarada who is scaring the shit out of Boruto.

Sarada was then dragged beside Boruto, with Sakura beside Sarada, with Sasuke beside Sakura. Naruto was in Boruto's other side.

Sarada and Sakura ordered miso soup. Sasuke didn't order anything, since he didn't have the apetite to eat, after looking at the two Uzumakis gobbling ramens disgustingly.

Then Sakura called Sarada, "Sarada-chan."

Sarada turned to look at the younger version of her mother, "Yes, kaa-chan?"

"Um, how is our future like? I mean, Naruto, Sasuke and me?" Sakura asked. Naruto and Sasuke's ears suddenly jolted up, anticipating for Sarada's answer.

Sarada fiddled her fingers as she answered, "Well, you three are the next generations of the three legendary sannins. Okaa-chan is the head of the hospital, hokage-sama is the nanadaime and the hero of Konohagakure, and otou-san, he is always going on missions out of the village." She looked slightly upset as she said about Sasuke.

Sasuke pitied his future-daughter, he knew that she hardly have any personal time with his future-him, but was also curious about if his future-self killed the murderer of the Uchiha Clan....


Thinking about his brother's name made his fist and teeth clench.

He managed to ask through his anger, "What about....I-Itachi? Did I kill him?" He spit the name out like dangerous venom.

"Oh, ojii-san? Tou-san did kill him," she paused as she saw the slightly happy and relieved look, " regretted it."

His face when poker again and he looked at her, raising an eyebrow, as if to say 'and why would I regret it'?

Sarada sighed as she told Sasuke the whole story. (Sorry, I am just too lazy to type it. Forgive me.)

When she finished, she noticed Sasuke's frown. And he was in a deep thought about something. She was going to break it, but Boruto was a step ahead.

"Minna! Let's tour around the village! I wanna see what the past Konohagakure looked like!" Boruto yelled, standing up thhe table and holding his head up high. Everyone laughed -well Sasuke only smirked (-_- as usual)-, ignoring the ramen guy's protest for Boruto to get down and behave.

Boruto didn't care. He was just too happy that he can finally spend some quality time with his old man.

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