"Who are you?" He spoke rudely and eyed me.

I woke up from my daydream and cleared my throat, "im sorry, but i think you dropped this" then i showed him the keys.

His eyes widen at the sight of his keys. He quickly snatched it away from my hand rudely. I bet he could win the rude guy contest this way, just saying.

"How did you? How did you get this?! What do you want from me?!" He got angry at me and his eyes trembled.

"Im sorry sir, you must have left it in the bubble tea shop" i tried to hold my anger.

Damn, this rude guy is really annoying. Not only he is super rude, but he is also reducing my sleeping hours.

He eyed me, "I don't believe you, im going to report you to the police" he angrily spoke.

"Sir, please. If i were to steal it why would i even bother returning it? And i have no time to deal with you, so if you excuse me" i tried to be polite but ended up leaving him hanging there and walked away.

"Hey, im not done here!" He shouted but i didnt stop walking.

"Im done, so lets not meet again" i answered without looking at him.

"Tsch. Just wait if i find you" he shouted to me.

I walked home while complaining to myself. That rude jerk, i swear if i ever see him again Im going to make him die.

After little bit of walking, i finally arrived at my apartment. i quickly opened my door and fall onto my bed. Forgetting my hunger i slept comfortably at my bed.

"I missed you so much bed" i said as i started to drift to dreamland.


The next morning...

Beep....beep.... beep..... beep...

I woke up from the sound of my alarm. I looked at my phone and its 7.15, i turn of the alarm and drift off to sleep again. I already set a bunch of alarms in my phone so i can wake up. I keep sleeping until the last alarm which is 7.35, i groaned and get out from my bed and i started preparing to go to work.

At 8 a clock i finally got out from my apartment to go to my workplace. As i was walking I felt my stomach grumbling, asking to be fed. Then i remembered that last night i didn't eat dinner because of that jerk. Ahhh my blood is boiling again at the thought of that rude guy.

I saw my favorite bakery across the road so i went there to buy myself a nice bagel. I picked up a nice plain bagel and headed to the cashier to pay. I search for my wallet in my bag, and realised i forgot to bring it.

"Damn it" i cursed, ready to apologise to the employee at the cashier.

"I'll pay for her too" the man in front of me said to the employee.

I was surprised that the man pay for me. I was bout to thank him, but i stopped mid way when i saw his face. Its that jerk again. The super rude jerk pay for my bagel.

Before i could say anything he already left the store. I hurriedly took the bagel and went out after him.

"Hey you!" I called him, running to catch up with his large steps.

"Me?" He turned around, pointing to himself.

"Here" i gave him the bagel, and walked away.

"Why? i bought this for you" he caught my wrist.

"It's yours. you're the one who paid it, besides i don't want to owe you anything" especially a guy like you i added to myself, shoving the bagel to his hand.

EXO-L DIARIES: THE EXO ONE SHOTS BOOKWhere stories live. Discover now