Chapter 10

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Nevermore stood up after dusting himself off and went to the front door just to find it locked. "Uh.." Nevermore was confused then heard Alari, "Nope. Get your ass to a park or something and recreate those bonds. "
"Alari, you aren't serious. "
"That's an order. Go remake those bonds. " Alari snapped. Nevermore groaned and sighed, "Yes, my lady. " He turned to his twin, "You owe me. Big time. " he began to walk, his brother following him again. "So you follow orders just like that? " Zane wondered. He wasn't usually ordered around as sternly. Nevermores eyes began to darken in annoyance. Although the same age, it seemed Nevermore was the older one. He walked to a park and the two talked. He was irritated that Alari made him rebond with Zane. But as they talked, he felt his anger and untrustful feelings towards him withered away to the brotherly love he once had.

"Its kind of what we have to do...." Nevermore muttered but remembered he wasnt just a butler now. Although the human law says for it to be forbidden that a butler and the royal master to have any affair, it was also prohibited that a demon and a human to be in love. According to Lucifer that is. Anything he says, goes. Zane side looked at him, trying to see what Nevermore was thinking. His peircing yellow eyes glazed over with a deep thought and focus. "Nevermore? You okay?"

"Huh? Oh! Yeah yeah Im fine. Dont worry about it. " Nevermore replied brushing the small blackout out of mind. His neck was still bruised from what Zane could tell and he felt bad. "Sorry for the uh....neck injury..." He muttered. Nevermore looked at him in surprise,"No dont be. Im fine. Doesnt hurt as bad but Im fine. Dont worry about it." Nevermore smiled at his brother and looked back at the manor. "Should we go back now?" He asked. Zane shook his head, his blueish black hair swaying slightly, "I have to get back to Zak. He might still be asleep but he could have waken by now. "

The brothers exchanged good byes and Nevermore went back to the estate. I guess this wasnt as bad as I thought it would have been...He thought.

Short chapter I know. But im starting to run out of ideas to stall you guys until the desired chapter where all the drama kicks in. Hahaha.....ha...ha........ha.....................ha................................ha....

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