Chapter 5

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Nevermore looked in the direction of the bathroom, he was trying to decipher what he feels towards her.  It made his heart beat faster, and him get a little shakey. Nevermore turned back around and looked out the window towards the yard. "What is it...."

Alari got dressed and put on make-up. She smiled in the mirror knowing what Nevermore would say. She could almost hear him complain, "My lady, you don't need make up. You are already beautiful. " She laughed to herself again and walked out. He was still contemplating it all and hadn't noticed her come in his room as he stared, deep in thought. She jumped on his back, "Why hello Nevermore Michaelis!"

Nevermore gave a small yelp of surprise, "Gah!" He tipped forward but gained his footing and smiled. She was very happy today and got off, going to the living room, "Mind making us something? " Nevermore nodded and gave a slight bow after following her, "Certainly. "

Nevermore made his way to the kitchen, his black tailcoat making him look taller. Alari watched in awe, his tall and lean frame yet muscular underneath the clothing. She shook herself from the thoughts and looked outside, the sun lighting the yard in a golden haze, making any small creature look more beautiful. She sighed happily and giggled slightly. Imagining what Nevermore would look like in the light.

"Today, I've prepared some healthy deli sandwiches. " Nevermore said and set the plate onto the coffee table in front of her. Alari nodded her thanks and took the sandwich biting into it. She gave a hum of satisfaction,"Mm!" He smiled and gave a slight bow, the tails of his coat swaying slightly. Alari had finished and looked at him, "I'm taking Bunny with me to a store nearby. Well, down the road but don't worry I'll be fine okay? " Nevermore wasn't convinced but just nodded. "Alright but be here before sunset okay? " his bright yellow eyes clouded with worry once she had left. He thought about going with her but the entire contract was to take her orders and the other things. She had ordered him to stay when she said she was going to the store. Didn't she? Nevermore just paced, worry creeping into his mind slowly. "I have to clean something. She'll be fine Nevermore... " he reassured himself and went to her room to straighten the bed and clean anything she had left.

Alari walked down the road with Bunny at her side. "Oh how I want to confess to him... But he doesn't know what love is does he? " she asked Bunny. As was expected, Bunny just gave a small whine. "Right. You're a dog. " she yawned slightly and sneezed before entering the store.

Nevermore didn't know what he felt towards Alari and did some research. It all came up as the one thing he did not comepletely understand, "Love?" He closed the lap top and cleaned the.... Already cleaned... Area.  He couldn't get the feeling of unease off his back when she went out to a place and had somewhat ordered him to stay. What if she got kidnapped? What if another demon tries to steal her soul? No, that's not possible. The only other demon he can sense was.... "Don't think about him. He left so don't remind yourself of him. He is a traitor dont think about it..." Nevermore muttered.

Alari walked inside the store with Bunny and looked at the dog foods. "Hmm.... Luxury Dog Food of the best quality... Okay. " she bought a few large cans and headed home.

Nevermore was pacing back and forth thinking whether to go after her or not. When he headed for the door, the door had opened and was a hair width from hitting him in the face, "I'm home. " Alari had smiled and hugged him,setting the bag onto the couch. "Told you I would be fine. "  Nevermore just smiled and sighed, "Alari there's something I need to tell you....." Alari slowly stopped walking and turned to the tall Butler. "Yes?"
"I... Uh.... I don't completely understand it but I am certain it's what I feel. "
Alari felt her heart jump a rate or two, a blush began to rise.
"Since you summoned me, I had a strange feeling towards you. I think it's.... "
"Love?" Alari said suddenly and placed her finger under his chin gently, "Do you mean love? "
Nevermore looked in her hazel brownish eyes, he saw love in them and he smiled, "Yes. Love... " Alari grinned widely and yanked Nevermore down a bit and kissed him passionately. Nevermore had smiled through it and hugged her tightly after breaking away, "Well then. So you lied about the Zak kid, hm? After all, you are now dating your own demon....who happens to be your butler..." 

Alari gasped, "Shit! Oh my god uh....we have to keep it a secret from Zak and anyone else who comes in contact with us. Goddamn it." Nevermore nodded and began to walk away. She looked after him,"What are you doing?" He only smiled and went to the small library a floor up. Alari followed after him like a kid after her mother in a store. When she found him he had gotten a book out, "We will need to work on your lying skills if you dont want anyone finding out." Alari rolled her eyes and took the book with indifference but muttered,"This is total bullshit."  He laughed at her reaction.

The hours had went by with improving her speech skill and some bills she had to pay. Night had fallen once again and Nevermore removed his glasses and closed his book. He appeared in the room to check her progress and was observing from a two chair table across the library room.
Alari had done a lot of studying on speech skills such as lying, persuasion, and intimidation. She was tired out and groaned, "I'm glad a days study is over with. Nevermore, could you get me a cup of Greenleaf tea please? I'd like some before I go to bed. " Her voice echoed to the table across from the room. Nevermore smiled, stood,  and gave a slight bow with his left hand over his chest, "Yes, my lady. " Alari laughed, "No nicknames. "

((I didn't update much but I'm tired so don't judge. Lol updates should roll in tomorrow. And there will be yaoi know chapter 5 or 7. Mainly for a friend of mine but also to other yaoi lovers. Good night, my fellow friends! ~Nevermore))

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