Dozens of questions roll into the studio, crazy ones, typical ones, weird ones and confusing ones. Some girls were so excited we could brealy understand what they were saying but I had fun listening to their questions. At one point I'm lost in thought until a good question comes up. "Hey guys, I'm Melodie and my question is, what do you guys do if you like a girl?"

 It's a typical question, one I've heard plenty of times in other interviws I've watched. But this time I want to see exactly how each boy answers. Especially Prince. He opens his mouth to speak but Prod jumps in before he can even exhale.

 "Hey Melodie it's Prod and for my personally, I would observe the girl before doing anything. I dont mean like creeping on her like some stalker or something, I mean I would try to figure out her likes and dislikes, her interest and stuff like that. Then I would debate for a long time if I think I might be her type cuz, come on, no one wants to be rejected. And afterwards, when we're good friends and all that, I'd take the leap of faith and tell her my feelings." Prod's eyes look right in my direction as he speaks, he doesnt even bother hiding the emotion in his eyes. "Thats what I would do."

 Prince speaks up next but I don't hear a word he says. I'm too busy staring at my lap, lettings Prods words marinate in the air. I know he told me that Prince doesnt deserve me...but is he implying that he does instead? I've never been good with deciphering boys so my thoughts are all frazzled. I hate being confused because it puts me into a state of panic and right now I'm nervously shaking my leg, trying to calm my nerves. For the rest of our time in the little studio, I'm not aware of what questions are asked. I barely aware of my surroundings. But I know that when the interview ended, I was the first one out the booth and outside, breathing in the fresh air.

 The others slowly file out of the building and join me on the sidewalk as we wait for the drivers to come around the back and get us. Joya comes over to me, hand in hand with Jacob. They've been stuck together like glue since the Drake concert when Jacob dropped her off at the room and kissed her goodnight. The only reason we know they kissed is because when we heard them talking outside the door we turned the lights off and hid under one of the couches to eavesdrop. She opened the door and they reminsced about the concert for a few minuetes before Jacob finally leaned in and planted a quick peck on her lips. I had to cover my mouth tho keep from shouting out in joy. It was an adorable moment.

 "Are you alright?" Joya asks, her eyebrows crinkle as she stares at me. 'You flew out there like there was a fire on your ass. They handed out mugs." She hands me a blue cup with the radio station logo printed on it.

 "Thanks. And I'm fine, its just...alots been going on lately." I tell her. Her eyes quick glance over at Prod who's scrolling on his phone, then back at me. Silently asking I'm referring to him. I nod, sighing and crossing my arms. I told the girls (minus London of course) about Prod and I dancing in the studio. I left out the part about him saying Prince doesnt deserve me because I didn't want to start gossip, but I did tell them that he might have feelings for me and I might be developing feelings for him. Of course they freaked out and tried to come up with plans to get us togethe but I told them I'm still after Prince and luckily they saw things from my point of view and tried to help me resolve my dilemma. I left out the part where I've been sabotaging Prince's chances with London because I don't want them to judge me on it. I know its wrong but I'm trying to save him...isn't that what best friends do?

 The car pulls up and we all pile in. The ride consists of alot of fist pumping to music and talking about the crazy questions. Me? Well I decided to sit in the third row of the car by myself with my head resting against the window. I wish I could ask my followers on twitter and tumblr for help, but that would jeopardize the privacy of MB. They would know that I'm reffering to two of the boys and they would grill me and them to fess up. TM FBI is good too, they'll dig and dig and dig until they find the dirt they're looking for. And that will just raise hell for all of us.

 Prince turns around and looks at me, his lips persued and his eyes boring into me. "You've been quiet all day. What happened to the bubbly Kacey I've grown to know and love?"

 London glances at me over her shoulder and makes a face before turning to face forward again. I see Prod tilt his head to the side, no doubt listening in on my conversation. I stare at Prince, wanting to blurt out everything right now and get it off my chest. I want to expose London's trifiling self and clean up the heartbroken mess of Princeton later. But that would mean humiliating them both in a car full of people, and no one deserves that kind of treatment. That's one thing I hate about myself...I'm way too nice to people who dont deserve it.

 I force a smile onto my face, "Nothing. I'm just tired. " Tired...the text book definiton of torn apart, depressed, angry, confused and many more miserable emotions. Every girl knows that. But Princeton? Princeton's a the word tired has no effect on him. He reaches over and ruffles my already messy hair, making it fall into my eyes.

 "Cheer up Kacey, let me see that beautiful shiny smile." He begins poking my cheek over and over and I cant help but giggle at his adorable attempts. "Yay, there you go." He beams at me like a little kid on Christmas day. Gawd I love this boy...

 The car stops and we look out the windows to see that we've pulled up to some kind of place to eat. It's nothing fancy, more like a place that sells greasy burgers, fried chicken and fries. Walter gets out the car without saying anything and we follow suit. "Why are we stopping here Walt?" Ray asks, his arm slung around Yannie again. I think it's a habit for him to do that now, Yannie's gotten so used to it that it barely effects her anymore.

 "We have a lunch date." He says with a smile.

 "With who?" Roc asks. I glare at Princeton as he squishes my cheek together, trying to get another smile out of me. Just then a white Benz pulls up to the curb and the doors fly open. Two girls hop out, one with blue hair and one with purple hair. The boys gasp as the girls run over with open arms, grabbing the first one they see into a hug. Prod hugs Babydoll and Roc hugs Zonnique, the rest of us girls just watch from the sidelines.

 The driver side opens and Bahja hops down, her dark pink hair trailing behind her as she walks over to us with a big smile. "LITTLE SIS!" Prince exclaims, releasing my face and racing over to her. She jumps into his arms as she hugs her close, laughing as she kicks her feet in the air until her puts her down. "I missed you sis." He tell her.

 "Same to you," She says flipping her hair out her face. "Hey yall." She waves at everyone as the boys go to exchange hugs with her too.

 London appears by my side, "The fuck are they here for?" She sneers, her upper lip curling into a disgusted snarl. She crosses her arms across her chest as she stares London down with her narrowed eyes and arched brows. I watch as she looks Bahja up and down, distaste clear on her face.

 I smirk, something wicked is on its way....


Heyyyyyyy, I've been busy with school so my time is kinda tight. But here's your chapter guys, love you, I MIGHT update again tonight and if not then ill do it tomorrow!!! Exscuse my errors as usual ♥♥


Oh and my bday is tomorrow...just in case you care :3

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