The Contract... that saved my brother but not me

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Hi. Just a bit of information: This story contains sexual scenes, PG-13, not too graphic, and displays violence.

**Thank you @MidnightLuna19 for the cover! ***

I see his face filled with fear and agony. I can't see his eyes since they are blinded by a piece of cloth but I know they are watery. He keeps begging for mercy. I never seen him so weak and miserable.

"PLEASE! DON'T KILL ME!" he screams again.

My tears roll faster down my face as I see him on his knees. He is so afraid and I can't do anything! "Please, I don't want to die," he whimpers.

"Johnny!" I yell to the mini TV screen. I see a man come up to him and kick him in the guts.

He falls to the floor on his face. He has his hands tide up behind him with duct tape. He coughs so hard and yells in pain.

"Don't hurt him anymore! Please!!" I beg. I am alone in a dark room with only the TV on and a lamp.

I see Johnny alone again and he is siting down on a wooden chair. I guess they listened. I feel some relieve even though I still see him there.

"You want to help your brother?" a deep man voice comes out of nowhere.

"Who are you? Why am I here? Why is my brother here?!" I yell.

I hear a door open and footsteps. I turn to the left and see the door opening. The lights are turned on and I see a tall man. He has a black suit on, brown hair, light skin and green eyes. His appearance doesn't scare me at all but something about his stare makes me nervous.

"Don't worry, Johnny is okay now. He is just being punished for not completing his work assignment,"

He didn't cook the burger right? What hell is going on?

"Please don't hurt him, I don't know what the freak is going on but please don't hurt him." I say while trying not to cry. I can't show fear, he might use that against me.

"Oh, Alex, I am so sorry you have to be here but these are the consequences of his actions," he says. He sits down in front of me with a bodyguard next to him.

"How do you know my name?"

"Johnny told me about you. How you love to take photographs and how annoying you can be. He really cares about you and loves you."

I take a look at the mini TV and see Johnny rocking back and fourth like if he is going insane. Wait, how long has he been in there? Was he here for an entire week? He told me he was going to Hawaii for a business trip but he was here all along.

"You okay my dear?" he asks.

"Why is my brother being locked up here? Who are you? What did he do?!" I exclaim.

He stands and places his hands on my shoulders but I shake him off. "Don't touch ME!" I yell.

"Whoa! Don't need to scream, it's very rude to scream. Now apologize," he says.

What? I am being held against my will because of him, now he wants me to apologize for screaming?

I don't say anything but that makes him angry.

He grabs my arm and pulls me up.

"I said to apologize now! You don't want to make me more angry now don't you?"

He squishes my arm more and I yelp. He laughs, "I am not going to let go until you say sorry."

"I'm sorry! Let me go!" I yell.

The Contract That saved my Brother but not meWhere stories live. Discover now