"Ernie, why it's been so very long since you've come by to have our special."

"Hi Miss Joe. Yeah, it's great to be here. It has been too long. How are you?"

"I'm fine as always. And who are these fine folks? Family?"

"No, I'm afraid I don't have any family. These are my friends from work."

"Well isn't that nice. I know you folks must have traveled a ways if you work with Ernie back in the city so lets go find you a table and fill your tummies. Follow me."

Ernie noticed a large man sitting on a stool at the counter giving him stink eye. Ernie had never seen him at the diner before, which was odd because everyone else was a regular. As they walked past him he spoke up.

"Where's that coffee refill? My food's gettin' cold and I don't like to eatin' eggs without hot coffee!"

Miss Joe just kept walking.

"You can leave if you're going to talk to me like that. I'll bring it to you as soon as these people are seated."

He had no reply. He stared for a few seconds, then turned slamming his fork down into his eggs.

She lead them to a booth with yellow cushions and a yellow table. It was old and worn but clean. Ernie sat down first, Ron slid in across from him and Valerie sat down next to Ron. Valerie passed him a menu and as he felt his fingers graze hers he knew that he would go through all of it again just to sit next to her and have a meal. It wasn't exactly a date. They were on the run from people and powerful robots the law would do nothing about, but that wasn't going to stop Ron from enjoying every single moment of sitting next to Valerie at a restaurant no matter what the circumstances. The waitress gave them some time to look over the menu while she gave the rude man at the bar a refill.

"I'm going to use the girls room, I'll be right back."

Ron watched her go and then looked over at Ernie.

"You've got a strange expression on your face kid. I'm pretty good at telling what people are up to you, but right now I can't tell what's going on with you."

"What do you mean, I've had the worst day of my life. I'm terrified."

"Looks to me like you're having the best day of your life."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"It's pretty clear she likes you to you know."

Ron looked down, closely studying his menu.

Ernie tried to stifle his laugh making him snort a little, which made him laugh even harder. Ron's cheeks were getting red.

"Hey guys what are you laughing about?"

Ron turned away as if he was looking out the window so Valerie wouldn't see his face.

"Oh we were just saying how are glad we are you took out that robot back in the locker room. That was pretty great."

Valerie laughed but it was a small nervous laugh. The kind that jumps out a little too quick, with an eagerness that shows it's fake.

"Yeah that scared me. I'm glad we got away, but it all just happened so fast, like someone else was doing all the thinking for me. My body just kind of moved and before I knew it the robot was on the ground. I'm glad Ron here knows what he's doing with those guns. I just about peed my pants when they came down, and then they landed in the truck. I was about to climb through the window to try to help you but then you took care of it."

A few of the locals near their booth looked up for a few seconds.

"I'm glad you didn't have to. Let's not talk so loud, we shouldn't draw attention to ourselves," Ron said.

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