Cakes and Dates

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"León?" Andrés called into the Castillo household. "Are you here?"

Andrés desperately needed León's help. He had a date this afternoon with a girl he really liked and he was really nervous. León was always really great with calming his nerves ( a skill he developed after being best friends for so long). 

He decided to start his search for León (his phone was off) at Violetta's house. He was at her house most days anyway.

The house was empty and quiet which struck Andrés as strange because there was always noise in the Castillo house, whether it be music or the loud voices of any of the house's occupants. 

"Andrés?" A voice called from the kitchen, "Is that you?".

He followed the voice and found his best friend's girlfriend and a messy kitchen. 

"Hi Vilu. Do you know where León is? I really need his help."

"Yes. He just left to visit his cousin in Córdoba for the weekend. Could I help you?"

"I think so. So I have this date tonight with this girl that I have--- Vilu, why do you have flour in your hair?" He asked, finally getting a good look at Violetta. 

She stood before him with flour in her brown curls and what looked like chocolate smears across her arms. 

The island in the kitchen was covered with a variety of cooking ingredients and mixing bowls. Right by her left hand was a piece of paper that was burnt on the edges. 

"I am trying to make Olga a surprise birthday cake. It's her birthday tomorrow. Dad is overseas for the rest of the week and Ramallo is stuck all day in the Buenos Aires office. Olga is out for a girl's day with her sister and Angie so now is the only time I can make the cake. Her favorite cake is an old family recipe of hers. But there was an accident," Violetta said making motions with her hands,

"And now I can't read half of the recipe. So I have been trying to improvise and as you can see... it is not going well."

"Oh, Olga's cake? Oooh... I remember eating some of it. It was delicious." Andrés said, his mouth watering with tastes of its deliciousness.

"Since you said that.... can you try a sample of this cake? I just took it out of the oven. I don't know if it tastes just right." Vilu replied with a pleading smile. 

He took a piece and placed it in his mouth.

"A little dense, not enough chocolate and missing a little bit of a crunch. But otherwise you've got it."

Violetta looked frustrated. "Back to the drawing board again."

"But since you helped me, I can focus on helping you. What are you worried about?"

"Well, everything. I want today to go really well because I really like her."

"What does she like to do? The first date should be enjoyable for both people."

"Well, she really likes mini golf and playing the hand drums."

"What does she like to eat?"

"I haven't asked her but she eats a lot of mangoes."

"Well maybe you can take her to the mini golf course in that park near the Studio. It's supposed to be really fun. And then you can have fun playing music together. You're good on the drums too Andrés - you can have a lot of fun playing the drums together. And the bar at the mini golf course has mango smoothies and other delicious food." Vilu suggested. 

"Alright, thanks. Do I look alright?"

She came closer to him and got this analyzing look in her eyes. 

She reached out and adjusted his collar and told him " Be sure to brush your hair and to not get any food on that shirt and you'll be good to go. Make sure you smell good too."

"Other than that Andrés, act natural. If she really likes you, especially enough to say yes to this date, than she will appreciate you not trying to be someone you're not. Have fun and smile and laugh. I am sure you will have a great time."

"Thank you so much Violetta. I feel so much better now." He went in and gave her a quick hug making sure to avoid her chocolate covered arms.

He waved goodbye and told her "Good Luck with Olga's cake."

She smiled as he left and stared at the mess in front of her. 

She needed to get this recipe right now because she didn't have a lot of time to bake the cake and clean the kitchen before Olga returned. 

Thinking of one person who loved Olga's cooking more than anything, she picked up her phone and dialed a number.

"Hey Maxi.... I need your help."

A Beautiful HarmonyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ