A Soothing Touch

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León's hands clenched at his sides as he willed his eyes to burn through the black-haired Spanish boy making eyes at Violetta. 

León was familiar with a wide array of emotions: pride when he perfected a musical composition, happiness and contentment when he spent time with his friends, mischief when he played pranks on unsuspecting judgmental distant relatives, euphoria when Violetta looked at him and was by his side.

Until recently, he was not familiar to the feeling of jealousy. He had never had any reason to be jealous before - he was with Ludmila for appearance only and at best they were friends.

But now jealously was burning in his blood and he hated it. 

He wanted to throw Tomás out of the country and possibly send him to Mars. He was taking up all of his girlfriend's time in an attempt to win her over. All of his attempts to keep Tomás away were unsuccessful because his girl saw the best in everybody

He felt anger consume him and tried to keep himself from doing something stupid by thinking of happy thoughts : making music, traveling the world, horchata, his mother's Mexican Wedding Cookies, traveling around the world with Violetta, Violetta's smile, Violetta's eyes, Violetta's k----

Violetta who's coming right towards him.

He felt a warm gentle touch on his hand and looked down to see his girlfriend pry his fist open to slip her fingers in between his (he hadn't realized that his hands were tightly clenched to his sides). 

He tried to avoid looking her in the eye because just as he's skilled at reading Vilu's eyes, she had been able to read his eyes like an open book. He didn't want her to see the anger he was holding right now. 

He felt her fingers glide over his chest and up into his hair (her touch  made him shiver with how calming it made him feel). She tilted his head downwards so that he was looking at her beautiful brown eyes.

"Don't worry León. I'm not going anywhere. " Violetta said soothingly.

He felt her fingers leave his hair and trail down his arms. They grabbed a hold of his hands and placed them over her heart.

"This belongs to you. And always will." She said as he could faintly feel her heart beat.

Love coursing through his veins at her touch and her words, he leaned down and kissed her. Chaste but powerful. 

Tomás faded into the distance when Violetta, the sun, came into his line of vision. Being with her, holding her, kissing her, listening to her, was the best thing that ever happened to him.

"You have always held my heart, my love. Now and forever" He murmured, looking into her eyes. 

She grinned and raised their entwined hands to her lips to kiss the back of his hand.

"I wouldn't want it any other way."

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