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Pablo may not be young and hip anymore but he wasn't stupid.

The Studio was more than a place where the best of the best came, but where the best of the best fostered a community, a group of friends.

He saw how Diego was treating his students. This behavior was unacceptable. He had no intention of having arrogant, rude condescending people whose primary purpose was to help stir drama.

They already had Ludmila - they did not need a male Ludmila too. 

(Ludmila was different than Diego as well. At the moment, she was a prima donna, but he saw something during her auditions - something he is determined to bring out again. A spark of I am a good person. Diego had no redeeming qualities)

Sir Arrogant was going to have to bring himself down to Earth and lose his drive for drama if he wanted to be entered in the Studio.

The Studio was a sanctuary for his students, to develop not only their artistic abilities but also to develop their minds and souls and to build connections. He knew, deep down, that the Studio would not remain a sanctuary if Diego was admitted. 

So it was, with no regret, that he stamped a big large "REJECTED" on Diego's application.

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