Sin and Retribution

Start from the beginning

I just stared, unresponsive. Now he came and gently scooped me out of the snow with ease, turning around so I could see that Legolas was indeed there, as well as Faewyn.

Fae...and I thought Falcon had her? But she appeared unharmed. At the very least he had kept his word and released her, apparently.

The men of Gondor (minus one, of course) were assembled as well, speaking in worried voices amongst themselves.

"Thank you, Maldor," Legolas said. He turned his attention to me. "Thank the Valar." he said, his voice soft, "Not all is lost."

"Thanks for dropping me," I said to Legolas, attempting to weakly joke with everyone. The tension was too real; Legolas looked at me stonily and turned away.

Faewyn ran to me and Maldor gently set me down on a slightly less wet stone. "Can you sit up, my lady?" he asked with concern.

"Yes," I said.

I laboriously propped myself up.

"Nobody here knew what to think," Faewyn said, her voice tremulous. "What occurred?"

"Falcon," I shuddered, his very name sending unpleasant thoughts into my mind.

I noticed Legolas was hovering a few feet away listening intently.

I first began with Faewyn. "How are you?" I asked her. "I cannot tell you how sorry I am you were dragged into this."

"We all were," she said. "It is what was meant to be."

"But I didn't mean for him to take you, as well," I said in a rush, "I suppose you don't remember, you were unconscious, but I can't believe you were in danger by my hand. I truly hope you'll forgive me."

I registered confusion in her glance as she looked worriedly at Maldor.

She looked at me, confused. "Gianna, what do you mean?"

"Falcon threatened me," I said in a low voice. "He took me with the promise that if I did not, he would kill you, or Maldor...or Legolas." I hesitated on his name.

"He coerced me into swearing to an oath; when I would not consent, he brought you in and threatened to kill you unless I did."

"It wasn't me, it couldn't have been," Faewyn said, hushed.

Legolas assented to that with a brusque nod. "She was here the whole time."

"Then who--" I broke off suddenly.

My powers have not been idle...

It had been a ruse, a trap, a ploy.

I knew it now. My love for Faewyn was my downfall and he knew it. I had taken those dark words into me for little cause. Faewyn had never been in danger.

"It was your likeness," I said bitterly, "And on my loyalty I swore it."

I tried to stand up but instead my still weak legs, not quite caught up with my hot head, gave out and I kneeled over, my hands chafing on the icy rocks. Faewyn, the nearest to me, tried to help me up, but as soon as she grabbed my arm, the deep cuts I had there throbbed in pain and I pulled away with a sharp breath. 

"What is it, what's wrong?" Faewyn said urgently.

"Just a flesh wound," I said tersely, pulling the thin cloak around me that Maldor had draped over me earlier.

"No, it isn't," Legolas said, with such desperation, I looked at him in surprise.

"Cast it off," he said, addressing me.

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