He was looking at the expectantly.

''It cannot be found," Kisara said, desperation clear on her voice. ''You've had foolishly started a war, over something that doesn't exist!"

''Obstinete woman!" the King hit the table with his fist, making his subjects tremble. He glared at them. ''I've been told it's the dragons treasure. It is there somethere. You'd better tell me."

Atem looked between the two. What was it, that the human king wanted so much? Something so important to start a war over it. Kisara looked at the King with a deep frown.

''It's lost. Lost..." she reapeated.

The King fumed at them. He took a deep breath and sat down with a clank of his armour.

''Let's try once again. Where is the Key, that would lead me there?" his voice was quiet, filled with something sinister, that send goosebumps down Atem's spine. ''Don't ask how do I know. I have my sources. They told me it is in the Library," he looked around. His voice low. ''Yet I still cannot find the Sword of Obelisk!"

Kisara trebled beside him. She shook her head once, then twice. She mumbled something under her breath. Atem had a little time recover from his shock. This human was looking for a legendary sword? Of course, the Priestess and he himself knew where supposedly it should be.

The Sword of Obelisk should lay by the last King of Dragons. Yet at his grave, within the crypts beneath the Grand Library, there was no sword. Only an empty tomb with three empty spaces to be filled. One for the Sword of Obelisk, one for the Sword of Osiris, one for the Crown of Ra.

The Sword of Obelisk, the legendary sword only the King shoud be able to wield. He would not cut, unless one of a right blood should use it. But it was also a symbol of the rightful King.

The Crown of Ra, is said to be the most ancient artifacts of all three. The golden crown, showed the way to those who were lost. A compass, able to show anything the heart desired.

The Sword of Osiris was given to Atem by Pegasus. Legends told a story of a great warrior, the right hand of the King of all Dragons, that died serving him. He fought using a human weapon, just an iron sword. After his death, his dragons scales had been melted and mixed with the iron, making it the third artifact.

Pegasus told him, the sword would be fitting for him, for his bodyguard, to have a sword with such a meaning.

Atem cringed, thinking how foolish he was to belive Pegasus. He clenched his fist, focusing on the second of artifacts. The Crown of Ra, that showed the way, could be of a use to him. If he had it, he could find Yugi and his friends.

Besides, he couldn't let humans have the artifacts. For the timebeing though, he had to compromise. He had to find Yugi, no matter what. He didn't know yet how would he find remaining two artifacts, but he would find a way. He took a deep breath, and looked at the King.

''I'll help you. I'll bring you the Sword of Obelisk."


Your horse pranced through the forest, making everything blurry around you. You didn't look back, even though it was so tempting. How far were you already? Far enough to be out of Pegasus' reach? Time flew by you, as you galloped forward, and the sun was fast on the horizon. Smell of smoke hit you nostrils awhile ago, making tears run down your cheeks. You made no move to wipe them off, few first times turned out to be useless. The wall of fire behind you was smaller every step you took, yet the smoke was ever present.

The forest started to thin out and it was easier to navigate the horse. You noticed it was getting tired, but you wanted to go as much farward as you could. Away from the Mt. Tap Turpu, away from the soldiers, away from death.

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