Initials {24}

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                We walked down the street with Davey’s mom the next day. Sam was walking with us. “Where are we going?” she asked me curiously. I brushed her hair away from her face. “We’re going to go get some food,” I said with a smile.

                Her eyes nervously shifted to Davey and his mother. I choked back my laughter. Davey’s mom could be nice as long as you didn’t give her a reason to hate you. She generally hated anyone Davey hated. And the problem with that was that Davey hated everyone.

                I grabbed Sam’s hand and held it as we walked. Her face turned bright red and she let her hair hide it again. I choked back my laughter again. Michael was going to be here. I knew that for a fact. Davey had texted him saying that he wanted to come up with a plan to get me away from Sam.

                Davey’s mom had offered to take us to lunch. She didn’t care if Davey got in fights, so it hadn’t really mattered. I just hoped Michael wasn’t too much of a pussy to back out now.

                I suddenly smirked as I saw Michael round the corner with his hands in his pockets. He looked up and grimaced. “Figures you’re here Eli.” His eyes slid to mine and Sam’s hands and widened.

                “Get your filthy hands off her,” he growled dangerously. I laughed. “Chill your boner Michael. I’m not hurting anybody.” Michael clenched his fists. “You stupid bastard. Get away from her. She’s my friend’s little sister.”

                I rolled my eyes. I could see Sam getting nervous. Michael turned to Davey and glared. “You fucking traitor. Siding with Eli.” Davey shrugged. “I’m not loyal to anyone.”

                Michael crossed his arms and glared at us in hate. “Sam, come on. I’ll take you home,” he said at last. Sam bit her lip. “Michael, he’s not doing anything wrong,” she said quietly, inching closer to me. The look of anger on Michael’s face had me laughing.

                “He’s just using you for sex!” he cried desperately. I sighed in annoyance. “Honestly Michael, I don’t need to have sex with every girl I date.” I saw Sam’s face turn bright red. Technically I hadn’t asked her out yet so we weren’t officially dating, but we might as well be.

                Anger exploded in Michael’s eyes. He stormed over to me and roughly shoved me away from Sam. I raised an eyebrow. “Because that was mature.” “Fuck off Eli!” he snapped. “Come on Sam. I’m taking you home,” he said with a small smile. He grabbed her hand and I glared.

                “Michael,” I growled. “You know I have a bad temper.” He shrugged. “Not my problem. I’m taking her back to her house.”

                Sam gulped. “Michael, I really want to hang out with Eli and Davey. I’ll be fine.” He pulled her away from us. “No. I’m not risking it. They’re dangerous bastards,” he hissed. “And you’re a backstabbing douche. What does it have to do with anything?” I asked casually.

                Davey stepped forward. “Let her go and get the fuck out of here before I beat the shit out of you Michael,” he growled dangerously. I walked over to them and forced Michael’s hand out of Sam’s. “Get out of here Michael,” I said coldly.

                I grabbed Sam’s hand and she squeezed mine with a small smile. I turned and we began to walk back towards Davey and his mom. I felt a fist collide with my head and I stumbled forward in shock. “You bitch!” I shouted at Michael. Hitting me from behind. What a coward.

                “Go to Davey,” I said to Sam and released her hand. She hurried over to Davey and his mom as I spun around. “I’ve wanted to do this for a long time you backstabbing piece of shit,” I growled and punched him in the face.

                We began to fight, rolling on the ground and throwing wild punches. He caught me in a bruise from my dad and I stopped for a moment in pain. He took the opportunity to grab my head and start beating it against the ground. I was dazed as I felt him being tackled off me.

                Sam and Davey’s mom hurried over to me and helped me sit up. I rubbed my aching head and let out a small groan. Davey and Michael had rolled into the road, hitting each other.

                I was pretty sure I didn’t have a concussion. I was still a little dazed though. My head began to clear and my eyes widened in shock. “Davey, get out of the road!” I shrieked. I could hear a car. It must be close by.

                My heart hammered wildly. No, no, no. I had lost my mom to a car and I was not losing my best friend the same way. Davey punched Michael and Michael stumbled back towards the opposite sidewalk. Davey was still in the middle of the road, looking ready to throw more punches.

                “Davey!” I shouted desperately. “Get out of the road!” Davey’s mom’s eyes widened in absolute terror. Her head spun around to face her son and I could tell she heard the car now too. “Oh my god! Get out of the road!” she screamed.

                Davey turned to look at us. I could see it in his eyes. He hadn’t heard what we’d said. “Out of the road!” I screamed. “Get out of the fucking road!” Terror entered Sam’s eyes too.

                It wasn’t like it was in the movies. Things didn’t crawl into slow motion. We just heard a car, tires squealing, and saw Davey’s eyes widen in horror.

                The car collided with his body, flinging him. The driver slammed on the brakes and the car screeched to a stop. “DAVEY!” I shrieked and jumped up. We ran to him as the driver crawled out of the car.

                “He…I didn’t see him,” he whispered. “Davey! Oh my god Davey!” Mrs. Caroli cried, tears exploding out of her eyes. Davey was unconscious, blood all over him. Michael had already pulled out his cell phone and was explaining everything to 911.

                I felt numb. I could hear Sam crying. I tuned everyone else as my eyes rested on Davey’s bloody body. My best friend of 10 years. The toughest guy I knew. Beaten by a car.

                “David please!” his mom sobbed. “Please wake up!” My legs gave out and I fell to my knees. No. This couldn’t be happening. I couldn’t do it without Davey. I couldn’t face my dad. I couldn’t face my school. I couldn’t face anything if I didn’t have Davey there to back me up.

                Sirens were blaring in the distance. Davey looked pathetic right now. I wanted to close my eyes so that I could remember the strong Davey. But I was terrified that if I closed my eyes, he’d be gone.

                “Davey.” I managed to choke out his name. Paramedics began to surround him as some cops began to talk to the driver and Michael. “Son,” one of the cops said gently as he knelt next to me. I slowly looked up at him. Sam was next to him, crying.

                He helped me to my feet. “Do you mind telling us what happened?” the cop asked. He was speaking in a voice that you use on a frightened animal. I almost laughed at the irony of the situation. “He got hit by a car,” I said. I meant to sound sarcastic but my voice came out hollow.

                One of the cops called the one who was trying to talk to me over. Sam came over to me and wrapped her arms around me. “He’ll be okay,” she whispered, trying to convince both of us. But I didn’t believe her.

                Davey was already dead.

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