Initials {10}

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***Eli’s POV***

I sat in my real room as I thought about Sam. I hope she didn’t find the guest room too unbelievable. I always told people it was my room.

My actual room gave me a dark grin. Oh the sick, twisted irony. I used to love Harry Potter when I was younger. I used to wonder what was so bad about having the room under the stairs. I mean, at least he had a room right?

Stupid. Naïve.

It was my room now.

I looked around and watched a spider crawling on the wall. I picked up my shoe and bashed the spider. It’s corpse fell to the ground. I sighed and shifted uncomfortably. It was cold in this little room.

The front door opened and closed. “Eli?” dad called brightly. “Eli?” I bit my lip and left my room. I walked up to him. “She left,” I said quietly. “Oh. She seemed nice.” I nodded. “She is.”

In an instant, he had me by my neck slammed against the wall.

“What have you eaten today you little shit?” he growled. “Nothing sir. I swear,” I said desperately. He grabbed a fistful of my shirt and dragged me to the bathroom. He kicked the back of my knees and I crumbled to the ground.

He shoved his finger down my throat and watched as I puked in the toilet. He glared at me and grabbed me by my hair. I bit my lip in pain as I was dragged back to my room. “So you like to run huh?” he asked. “No sir. It was gym. I had to,” I said.

He smacked me. “You don’t do what they want you little shit! You do what I want!” he snapped. “Yes!” I said immediately. “Yes what?” he roared. “Yes sir,” I said. He pulled his leg back and flung it forward. It made contact with my ankle and I dropped to the ground in pain.

“Now you can’t run! Can you, you little shit? Well? Can you?” I shook my head. “No sir,” I said. He grabbed my arm and forced me to stand. “How’s your chest you little shit?” I didn’t know how to answer. He smacked me again. “Answer when I ask you a question!”

“It’s bruised,” I said at last. “Good,” he growled and roughly shoved me into my room. “I don’t want to hear a god damn sound!” he threatened before slamming the door.

I limped over to my bed and collapsed.

Thank god he could at least put on a façade when my friends were over. I didn’t want anyone to know he did this to me. I gently touched my ankle and softly whimpered.

He had punched me and kicked me in the chest when I came home with my shirt torn. I got in fights at school to cover up the fact that he beat me. Sir. It’s what his name was.

I had never told anyone. I had never told Davey. Davey knew though. He just knew. He would jump in when I was too weak to fight anymore.

Imagine if Sam found out.

Would she look at me different? Probably. Everyone would. I didn’t want sympathetic looks. I just wanted a normal life.

I sighed as my phone buzzed. I could hear his loud snoring coming from upstairs. He had passed out after another long day at his company. Another long day of pretending to love his much despised son. “Hello?” I asked quietly.

“Did you tap it?”

I laughed silently and rubbed my chest again. “No. Didn’t have a chance,” I said. Davey sighed. “Damn dude, you’re pathetic,” he grumbled. I rolled my eyes. “You didn’t get any either,” I pointed out.

In his cocky face.

“You’re hurt,” he said. Damn. How did he do that? “My ankle,” I said and shrugged, even though he couldn’t see me. “Need crutches tomorrow? I can bring you the ones I had last year.”

I tested my ankle and winced the moment it touched the ground. “Yea.” “Alright.” I could hear him moving around in his room, trying to find the crutches.

“Hey Davey?” I said, a bit awkwardly. “What?” he asked. “Ah shit!” he cried suddenly as I heard a crash. I could hear his mom yelling something in the background. “No mom, I was getting shit for Eli and I knocked my CD’s over.” I rolled my eyes. “Smooth.” “Shut the fuck up faget,” he snapped and I laughed silently.

“Oh yea. What were you saying before?” he asked. I sighed. “What if, uh, I actually liked this girl? More than a get in her pants and walk away sort of thing?” He was quiet for a second.

“Then hook up with her,” he said. “She doesn’t like me.” “Dude, I’m not a relationship expert. Stop asking me shit.” “You are so helpful Davey.” “Shut your fucking mouth!”

I rolled my eyes again. “Chill your boner Davey. I was just talking out loud.” “No, you were asking for advice. I don’t have advice. Go Google it or something.” “Go Google what? How to make the new girl hook up with me?” “Sure.”

“Whatever,” I said. “See you tomorrow Davey.” “Yea, yea, yea.” We hung up and I laid down and managed to fall asleep.

In the morning, my ankle was completely swollen. I got dressed and did my morning routine. “Tell everyone you tripped down the stairs. And don’t go to that stupid fucking nurse,” dad threatened and slapped me. “Yes sir.” I said.

The bus pulled up and I limped out pathetically. The driver watched me with suspicious eyes. I’m pretty sure he knew my dad abused me.

Davey was impatiently waiting for me outside of school.

He was holding the crutches he had used last year when he had broken his ankle in a fight. The sad part was that he still won that fight.

I painfully limped over to him and he handed them to me. “Thanks,” I grumbled. “Dude, that is so broken,” he said. I shrugged. “It happens.”

We went into the school and my eyes scanned around. “She’s over there,” Davey said and nodded at the corner. Sam was blushing as she talked to Brad and Paco. I glared at Brad. He said something and she giggled.

“Come on, I’ll help you get your girl,” Davey said with an eye roll. “Hello Sam,” I said as we went over to them. “What happened?!” she asked in alarm. “I fell down the stairs,” I lied smoothly.

“Really? Because most people wear a cast,” Brad said, noticing that I wasn’t. “Really? Because most people mind their own fucking business,” Davey growled dangerously at him.

Brad glared at him with hate. I’m pretty sure everyone in school either hated Davey or was afraid of him except me. I had a feeling this was going to turn into another fight until the bell rang.

I sighed and said bye to Sam before limping off to class with Davey following. I needed to talk to her. I needed to get her to like me. 

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