Initials {3}

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Davey Caroli's dad had been his best friend, his hero, his everything. His dad had taught him how to hunt and use a gun. His dad taught him how to pick up girls and how to fight. He had taught Davey everything he knew. He had lovingly raised Davey. He had taught him not to take shit from anyone.

“If anyone gives you problems, I want you to break their nose,” he had told his son in a serious tone when he dropped him off for his first day of Kindergarten.

His father had spent much time with Davey and Davey’s mother. They had taught him that he was strong. They had told him that he was better than others. They had assured him that no one was better than him and therefore no one could tell him what to do.

So of course, when Davey’s father had gone to prison for murder, it had hurt Davey. He had been only 11 years old when his father had started a fight in a bar. He had shot one man and stabbed another. He had a life sentence now. Davey got to talk to him on the phone sometimes and they would even visit him.

But he missed his father. He had had to stay with his abusive uncle for a while until his mom got out of her jail sentence. His mom had beaten a woman and stolen her money. She had gone to jail for a little but got out by the time Davey was 14 years old. She had almost gone back when she had beaten her brother for abusing Davey.

She had proven, however, that he had beaten Davey and claimed she was only trying to protect him. Now Davey’s uncle was in jail and he was back with his mom.

He sat with her now as they watched TV together. His mind was on that new girl. She was pretty hot. But he hated the shy types.

“Hey bastard quit hogging the popcorn!” his mom whined. He rolled his eyes and passed her the bowl. His cell phone buzzed and he opened it to see a new text from Eli.

“New girl rates 8”

8 out of 10. Pretty good. Eli didn’t just rate any girl 8. “Rating girls?” his mom asked, peeking at his phone. “Yea,” he said. “New girl? An 8?” He nodded. “Yea but she’s shy. I hate shy girls in the bedroom.” His mom nodded. “Ah. Your father did too.”

Davey nodded, not really paying attention to his mom.

“What do you rate her, other than her shyness?” his mom asked at last, carefully watching his reaction.

He thought for a second and shrugged. “7? She’s hot. She’s just way too shy.” His mom rolled her eyes. “Just go after her. If you want her, you’ll get her.”

“I know,” he said confidently. He was Davey Ian Caroli. He could get any girl he wanted. He was better than Eli, and Eli thought he was the top. He took his headphones from around his neck and put them in his ears. He flicked through his iPod and played “I Like Blondes”.

“I’m throwing the dick at your uterus.”

Davey nearly grinned. If Eli wanted that shy girl, Davey would take her. Eli could moan and bitch about it like always, but Davey would just ignore him. 

“What’s up with the look?” his mom asked. “If Eli wants that chick, I’ll take her,” he said simply. She nodded. “Good for you. Show him he ain’t the shit. Show him you’re way better.”

Davey nodded. “I will.” His mom cracked a grin. “That’s my boy. No one’s better than you and I want you to prove it.” He took a sip of the Monster he was drinking, a plan to get the new chick already forming in his head.

That bitch would be sucking his dick by tomorrow night.

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