Initials {16}

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“Phat beats phat rhymes crunk juice good times…I’m sofa king we todd ed!” I sang as I walked through the halls with Davey. The swelling of my ankle had gone down and I could walk fairly well. “Shut up you fag,” Davey growled.

I pouted. “Great. I lost my place. Now I have to start over…again.” “Do it and I’ll break your fucking face.” “Just because I look different I have to hear shit from mother fuckers like faget!”

Davey tackled me to the ground and a few kids squealed as we ran into them. “Shut the fuck up!” Davey snapped as he pinned me to the ground and glared at me. He raised his fist to strike me and my eyes found Sonny trying to hurry away unseen.

“Sonny!” I called. He froze in terror and Davey slowly got off me and pulled me to my feet. We walked over to Sonny who was now trembling. “You never replied to my text,” I said, raising an eyebrow. “Give me your phone,” Davey growled.

Sonny quickly handed him his cell phone. Davey opened it and checked the messages. “You opened the one from Eli. Why didn’t you reply?” Sonny’s hair was covering his eyes but I was pretty sure they were darting around nervously.

“I’m not patient you bitch. Why didn’t you reply?” Davey demanded. “I was busy,” Sonny squeaked. Davey raised his fist to hit Sonny. I watched Sonny cringe back in terror and I waved Davey away. “Chill.”

He glared but backed off.

“Just do what the message says,” I said. “Yea,” Davey added in a cruel tone. Sonny nodded and hurried off.

“What has you in such a good mood today?” I asked Davey curiously. He shrugged. “Mom and I watched Teeth together last night. We were laughing our asses off.” I rolled my eyes as we walked.

***Sonny’s POV***

I got as far away from Eli and Davey as I possibly could. Davey had always hated me because I beat him in tug-of-war when I was in first grade because he had slipped. I didn’t really have anything against Eli. He could use me and smack me around sometimes, but he could be nice.

I was just scared to get near him because of Davey.

Oh, I knew all about Eli. His dad hit him. He didn’t have to tell me and I didn’t have to see it. I just knew. My dad was a drunk who liked to beat my mom and I. I was pretty sure Eli’s dad wasn’t a drunk though. He owned some big company. He was loaded.

My dad was careful though, unlike Eli’s. He only hit me where he could cover it. If he gave me a black eye, like last night, he made me flip my hair over my eyes.

But Eli and I were different.

My dad’s violent behavior left me scared of the world. Eli’s dad’s violent behavior left him hateful of the world. He did the drugs, drank the alcohol, and had sex. Meaningless distractions.

Speaking of sex, there was that girl.

This was crazy. How was I going to make her fall for Eli? I took a deep breath and went up to her. “Um…excuse me?” She looked at me curiously. Shit. What do I say now? I began to get nervous. “Do you know Eli O’Dell?” I said at last.

She nodded in confusion. “Yea. Why?” What do I say? What the hell do I say? I felt someone grab the back of my shirt and violently drag me away. Fear grabbed me. I turned around and nearly fainted. Davey.

He dragged me into the boys bathroom. “Get the fuck out!” he snapped at the 2 freshman boys in there. They scampered out and he slammed the door. He shoved me against the wall. “Fuck Eli. I need to hit something,” he growled and advanced.

And so he began to beat me.

***Sam’s POV***

I watched Davy roughly drag the kid into the boys bathroom and, confused, walked to first period. The day blurred up to lunch. I sat down with Quinn.

“Hi Sam!” Brad and Paco grinned as they sat with us. “Go away Brad,” Quinn said angrily. Brad shook his head. “Nope,” he said, popping the “p”. She glared. He rolled his eyes. “I’m just trying to talk to Sam.”

“You dumbshit!”

We turned to face Eli and Davey.

They were standing close to our table, arguing. The security guard was watching them carefully. Eli’s fists were clenched and he was glaring at an annoyed Davey. “You can’t just do that shit!” Eli growled. “Watch me. I do what I want. I hit who I want.” He punched Eli in the face. “See?” The guard began to make his way towards them.

“Do it again. I fucking dare you,” Eli snapped. So Davey punched him again. Eli glared in disgust and hate. “You spoiled fuck.” He threw Davey into the wall. I jumped up and ran over to them as Davey lifted Eli and threw him to the floor.

“Stop!” I cried, jumping in front of Eli. Davey went to hit me, but the guard grabbed him. “Let me go!” Davey snapped. The guard roughly dragged him away. “Are you alright?” I asked Eli. Eli got up and nodded. “Yea. Dirty shit.”

“You nose is bleeding!” I said. He frowned and wiped the blood with the back of his hand.

I rolled my eyes and dragged him over to our lunch table. I grabbed a napkin and put it under his nose. “Thanks,” he grumbled as he held it there. “Why were you two fighting?” I asked. “Because he beat the shit out of Sonny. Don’t ever jump in front of him like that!”

I frowned. “He was going to hurt you.” Eli shrugged. “Rather me than you.” I blushed and he grinned and leaned back in the chair. Brad, Paco, and Quinn were watching him carefully. Eli suddenly stood up. “Come with me Sam. I want a drink.”

I got up and followed him towards the vending machine. He put a dollar in and pressed for a water. He picked it up and sighed before facing me.

“I have a serious question for you.”

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