Initials {11}

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***Sam’s POV**

Poor Eli. He looked really bad today. “Don’t worry; he comes in beat up all the time,” Brad said, rolling his eyes. “Really?” I asked in surprise. He nodded. “Too cocky for his own good,” he said with a smirk.

That was kind of mean to say, but I guess he was right. “So I’m showing you around town tonight?” he asked eagerly. I nodded and gave a small smile. I let my hair hide my face in case I blushed.

Brad smiled. “Awesome! I’ll pick you up at 5 and we can go get dinner.” “Thanks Brad,” I said. He nodded. “Don’t worry about it.”

We went to class and I silently cursed in my head. I had to tutor Eli after school today! Maybe I could get him home before 5? Yea, that would be nice. We would probably have to work in the kitchen since you had to go upstairs to get in my room.

***After School Because I’m Lazy ;D***

I helped Eli get off the bus and limp inside. “Hello Sam!” mom called brightly from the kitchen. I rolled my eyes as I watched Eli gently take his shoes off. I helped him stand up and we walked out to the kitchen.

“Hello! You must be Eli, Sam’s friend!” mom said in excitement. Eli smirked at me and nodded. “Yes ma’am. I’m Eli O’Dell,” he said and shook her hand. I mentally sighed.

“Come on, we can work at the counter.” We sat down at the counter in the kitchen and pulled out our math stuff.

I helped him through the homework. “You’re doing a little better than yesterday,” I said. “Because you’re a good teacher,” he said and I blushed slightly.

“Hey Sam,” Mickey said, coming in with Michael. Michael smiled at me but then got a disgusted look as his eyes landed on Eli. “Michael,” Eli said in a bored tone. “Fag,” Michael growled.

Eli laughed and rolled his eyes. “Oh Michael. How’s Brad doing? Davey hit him pretty hard.” Michael got right up in Eli’s face. “Don’t you dare start shit with me Emo.” I noticed mom and Mickey were watching them carefully. “I wasn’t starting shit Michael. I was just asking how Brad is,” Eli said calmly. “You fucking fag,” Michael hissed. “I should just kick your sorry ass.”

Eli shrugged. “Go ahead. I don’t care.” “Michael, please stop!” I begged quietly. He glared at Eli. “If you start shit with Brad again, I’ll kick your ass. And I know you’ve been hanging out with my little brother again. I’ll fucking kill you if you get near him again!” He was so pissed off. Eli went back to doodling on his math book. “Kay.”

Mickey dragged Michael away and Eli laughed. “Oh Michael,” he said, shaking his head in amusement.

I checked the time and bit my lip. “Um Eli?” I said awkwardly. “Yea?” he asked. I opened my mouth and he held up his finger and answered his cell phone.

“Hello? I’m at Sam’s. I swear!” He read off the address. “Alright,” he said quietly and hung up. “My dad’s coming,” he said with a shrug.

We packed up his things. There was a knock on the door. “I’ve got it!” mom said eagerly and ran to the door. “I’m sorry about her,” I said with a slight blush. She was so embarrassing! He laughed. “It’s alright,” he said, rubbing his chest.

“So I’ll see you Monday?” he asked, shoving his math book in his bag. I nodded. “Yea. We can work here again if you want?” he nodded. “Yea, I would like that.”

Mom and Mr. O’Dell came into the kitchen together. “Hey Eli! How did the tutoring go?” “Good,” Eli said casually. Mr. O’Dell smiled. “I hope he hasn’t been any trouble,” he said nervously, looking at mom. Mom chuckled. “He’s very polite.” Mr. O’Dell relaxed. “Good!”

Mr. O’Dell’s eyes landed on the crutches. “Where’d you get those?” he asked. “Davey let me borrow them,” he said nervously. “You told me your ankle didn’t hurt!” Mr. O’Dell said with a suspicious look. “I lied,” Eli said, nervously playing with his lip ring.

His dad sighed. “Let’s go. Maybe we should take you to the hospital.” Eli quietly limped on the crutches to his father. “Bye Sam!” he said with a small smile before leaving.

“Him and his father seem very nice!” mom gushed and I rolled my eyes at her. I got up and went to my room. I got ready to hang out with Brad and I heard the knock on the door. I mentally groaned as I rushed out. Mom was going to get to him first!

My fears were confirmed when I saw mom being weird to poor Brad. She was asking him questions and talking in her excited voice. “Mom, we’re leaving!” I called and dragged Brad outside.

He laughed. “She seems nice.” I rolled my eyes. “Yea. Too nice.” He laughed. “Come on, do you like burgers?” I nodded and he checked his pockets. “Aw damn,” he grumbled. “We have to go to Michael’s house. I left my wallet there.”

Michael had left my house a little while ago. Brad walked with me, pointing out a few things as we went, like the park, the skating rink, and a few fast food places that were good.

He knocked on the door of a nice house and waited until a woman answered. “Oh, hello Brad! Are you here to see Michael?”

Brad nodded. “Well, kind of. I left my wallet here.” She chuckled and let us inside. “Hello! I’m Mrs. Taylor,” she said, shaking my hand. “I’m Sam Donovan,” I said with a blush and a smile. “Are you related to Mickey?” she asked curiously. I nodded and she smiled.

I followed Brad to a hallway. There was a door with caution signs on it that Brad knocked on. “Ew, get out of my house!” a younger boy said angrily, glaring at Brad. Brad rolled his eyes. “I’m just here to get your brother,” he said. “Well my brother can go to hell too!” the younger boy said fiercely. “He’s a fucking traitor! He ditched Eli and Davey!”

Michael opened the bedroom door and glared. “Go away Chance,” he said in annoyance. He turned to us. “Hey Sam!” “Hi Michael.” “What do you need Brad?” “I left my wallet here.”

Michael went into his room and returned with a wallet. “Here. You’re lucky I didn’t take anything.” Brad took it and checked to make sure everything was in it. Michael laughed.

“Chance, go away you emo freak!” he snapped. Chance crossed his arms angrily. “Hey, hey, hey, what’s with the yelling?” Mrs. Taylor asked, coming into the hall. “He’s an emo fag!” “He’s a cock sucker!” Both boys spoke at the same time, glaring.

Their mom looked confused but shook it off. “Chance, please go back in your room. Michael, calm down. And both of you watch your language!” Chance glared again before slamming his door. “Welcome to a typical day at the Taylor’s,” Brad whispered, causing me to silently laugh.

We waved and left the house. Brad brought me to a burger place. I ordered a cheese burger and fries and so did Brad. We sat down with our food and began to eat.

“This is really good,” I admitted. “Right?” Brad said in excitement. The door of the place opened and I looked up.

Eli O’Dell smirked back at me.

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