Initials {12}

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He and Davey walked up to the food place and ordered. Davey carried their food over to the table next to Brad and I while Eli made his way over on the crutches. He sat down and smirked again.

“Nice to see you Sam.” “Eli, what happened to your lip?” I asked. His bottom lip was spilt open. He shrugged. “I beat his ass,” Davey said, taking a bite of his cheeseburger. “I bet you tear his ass up a lot,” Brad grumbled.

Davey glared. “You want to start shit?” A woman came in and sat down with Eli and Davey. Brad and Davey were still glaring at each other. I nervously took a sip of my soda.

Brad turned away to take another bite his burger, trying to ignore Brad. “That’s what I thought you weak fuck,” Davey growled before turning back to Eli.

“Shut the fuck up!” Brad snapped. “Make me,” Davey challenged, raising an eyebrow. I grabbed Brad’s arm as he went to get up. “Please don’t start,” I said quietly. Brad angrily sat down, glaring at Davey.

“You’re only so full of yourself because your mom is right there!” Brad said angrily. The woman, Davey’s mother apparently, faced Brad with a bored expression. “Shut the fuck up!” Davey snapped.

His mother placed a hand on his shoulder. “Now, now Davey. Don’t waste your energy on that sorry fucker. You’re way better than him. He’s not worth it.”

Brad was shaking in anger. I finished eating my burger before throwing the paper and my cup away. “Let’s go Brad,” I begged. “Where are you two going?” Eli asked curiously. Brad ignored him and got up to throw his stuff away.

Davey shot up and grabbed him by the front of the shirt. “He asked you a question. Answer him,” he growled dangerously. The employees were watching anxiously.

“We’re leaving,” Brad snarled. “Where?” Eli asked, trying not to grin. Davey shook Brad. I was kind of scared. “We don’t know. We’re just walking around,” Brad said, hate in his eyes.

Davey glanced at Eli. “I’m done,” he said, letting out a laugh. Davey roughly shoved Brad. “Dick,” Brad spat. I grabbed him and dragged him out.

***Eli’s POV***

“Fucking bastard,” Davey’s mom growled, shaking her head. “Don’t take that kind of shit Davey.” Davey sat down and sipped his soda.

I watched Brad and Sam walk away down the street. Damn she was hot. I was so glad she had to tutor me in math. “Eli do you want some of my fries?” Mrs. Caroli asked me sweetly.

I had grown up with Davey, and his mom had always thought of me as a second son. I mentally sighed. She was as close to a mother as I had.

“Sure,” I said and she gave me some. I really wanted to follow Brad and Sam and make sure they didn’t hook up. Sam didn’t seem like a one night stand kind of girl but…you never know.

Dad was letting me eat so that the school wouldn’t get too suspicious. He had just punched me, splitting my bottom lip, and sent me off with Davey and his mom.

We finished eating before getting up. “Where do you boys want to go?” Mrs. Caroli asked as we got in the car.

We shrugged as Davey plugged in his iPod and blasted Alligator Blood by Bring Me The Horizon. I loved that song.

“Put a gun to my head and paint the walls with my brain.”

“Hey fucktard. I asked you a question,” Davey growled. “I wasn’t listening to you, obviously. Speak up dumb ass,” I said, rolling my eyes. He glared. “I said do you want to go to the movies and see that new scary movie?”

I shrugged. “Sure.” “Pay better attention when I’m trying to talk to you Helen,” he said sarcastically. I glared. “Shut up bitch!” My hearing was pretty bad because I always had my headphones up. And my eye sight was pretty shitty. I had glasses, but dad never let me wear them. If my face was bruised, then I would just say I wasn’t wearing my glasses and ran into something.

“Bye kids. Have fun!” Mrs. Caroli said as we got out of the car. “Thanks Mrs. Caroli,” I called and shut the door. I used the crutches to follow Davey. He paid for the tickets and we went into the theater.

I sighed mentally. Sam and Brad were there. He was talking to her and she was blushing and giggling. Stupid Brad. Maybe Davey should just kill him or something.

It would be nice.

I sighed and we sat down, unnoticed by Brad and Sam.

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