Chapter 37- Alfie's Appointment

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Suddenly, Alfie burst into tears and clung on to me like a monkey. I didn't know what to do! His eyes were running like a waterfall. I hugged him back and began gently rubbing his back, comforting the poor soul.
"Hey Alfie, it's okay. Shhh, come on."
My comforting wasn't working! I went to stand up, but Alfie came with me, his arms attached round my neck. I was holding him in my arms but couldn't bare to put him down. He was so light and fragile! His face was now buried into my shoulder, soaking it with tears.
"I'll take you through now Alfie, everything will be okay sweetie, alright.?"
He began to scream!
"No, please, I don't want to, no, please!" He yelled and clung on to me even tighter.
Never the less, I carried Alfie down the corridor and into Brendon's room, closing the door behind me.
Brendon immediately stood up and came to help me out with Alfie, who was clinging on to me even tighter than before.
"Hey, buddy. What's wrong?" Brendon gently asked, rubbing Alfie's back.
"I......I....." Alfie was crying so much he couldn't get his words out.
"Why don't we sit you in the chair Alfie and have a talk..."
"Nooooooo" Alfie screamed, clinging his legs around me now, dropping his toy he's brought with him.
Brendon and I both looked at each other, lost for words. We weren't going to give up!
"How about you take a seat on the waiting chair with Alfie" Brendon said to me, rubbing his chin thinking of ideas.
I followed his instructions and sat down with Alfie on my lap. Alfie finally lifted his head up and took a worried look around the room.
Brendon came over to us with a box of tissues, beginning to wipe away the tears on Alfie's face.
"So, Alfie. What's the matter, huh?" Brendon asked Alfie, in the sweetest tone I'd ever heard.
Alfie looked over in Brendon's direction, still sniffling a lot.
"My.... my big brother" he began, still struggling to let out his words. "My big brother said the was a...a scary place where they drilled holes into people's t...t...t...teeth." He began to sob even harder so I gave him a warm hug.
"All we'll be using today is a mirror and maybe a toothbrush if you're lucky." Brendon joked but Alfie didn't seem too impressed. "Would you like to see the mirror?"
Alfie nodded his head, so Brendon went and grabbed a mirror.
"Here you see. Just a mirror. You can see yourself in it, look!"
Alfie glanced into the mirror and pulled a silly face. We all giggled.
"So, how about we take a look at your pearly whites now huh?" Brendon asked, showing his off to Alfie.
'Show off' I thought to myself.
"Okay... But I want her to come with me." Alfie pointed at me, taking me by surprise!
"How about you sit on her lap?" Brendon asked, winking at me.
"O...Okay" Alfie stuttered.
I took a seat on the dental chair and Brendon lifted Alfie on to my lap.
"Now I just need to put on my protective gloves and mask so no one catches any of my germs, is that okay with you?" Brendon asked motioning towards the gloves and mask.
Alfie nodded, placing one of his hands on top of the other.
Brendon put on his 'protective stuff' causing Alfie to laugh at him.
"Are you laughing at me?" Brendon said, joking around.
"You look funny!" Alfie giggled, pointing at Brendon.
"Here, you can use this bigger mirror so you can see what i'm doing in your mouth if you like." Brendon passed a big handheld mirror to Alfie, so he could view his own teeth. I could also see too, bonus! I was intrigued at how gentle Brendon was going to be in Alfie's mouth.
"Now just time to lay you back and we'll be ready to check your teeth!"
The chair was laid back, not as far as normal this time though. I assumed he didn't want Alfie to freak out!
"Okay Alfie, would you be able to open your mouth for me please. As wiiidddee as you can." Brendon emphasised the word 'wide' making the dentist seem less scary than it actually was.
For once, Brendon wasn't sitting down for the checkup, he was standing up just slightly bending over to reach Alfie's mouth.
I watched Alfie open his mouth in the mirror, I noticed Brendon found it hard navigating Alfie's mouth, it was tiny!

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