Chapter 27- The Curly Haired Boy

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The next day...

Brendon had work today, and I had an appointment for a cleaning. I wasn't as nervous this time, but still felt slight butterflies in my stomach.
Not much occurred last night. We watched a movie and unpacked all my new belongings into suitable places. I really felt at home! I even had my own door key! Brendon once again brushed and flossed my teeth last night. After, I asked him if I still had to go in for the cleaning. He told me it would be different to a normal toothbrush which made me worry.
Brendon's house was very close to the dental office, so when it was time for my appointment, it took me a very easy 5 minute walk.
I reached the office and approached the main reception desk.
"I'm Lola Quinton. I have an appointment with Bre.. I mean Dr Urie, today, please." I smiled at the receptionist.
"Take a seat love, Dr Urie will see you soon."
I was waiting for a few minutes when I noticed a curly haired boy walk through the door, he had his back to me so I couldn't see his face. He checked in at the reception and faced me.
To my surprise... I realised it was Stanley! My 15 year old brother.
Stanley ran up to me and burst into tears.
"Lola.." he sniffled.
"Stanley, what's wrong?" I asked rubbing his back.
I hadn't seen Stanley in years, but I knew he wasn't crying about that.
"I'm scared Lola! I'm scared of the dentist!"
I hugged Stanley tight. We never used to get along but I wanted to be there for him.
"Mum and dad dropped me off and left me here alone" he sobbed. "I'm glad you're here, will you come in with me?" His tone was desperate.
"I have an appointment of my own you realise, dork" I rolled my eyes. "Who are you with?" I asked him.
"Dr Urie, he sounds scary Lola!" He began crying even more.
I laughed. "My boyfriend."
He looked at me confused.
"Dr Urie is my boyfriend Stanley." You're appointment must be before mine so I'll come in with you."
"Thanks Lola" he hugged me tight. "I've never been to this dentist before, it's a new experience for me. I was fine at my old one!"
Then I saw a figure turn the corner.
"Stanley Quinton please"

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