Chapter 5- First Appointment

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He led me into a small room down a long corridor. It was all colour co-ordinated in a very clean white. Inside the room was a simple dentist chair, an overhead light, a tray, a computer and desk, a wheeled stool, a sink and many counters bordering the sanitised room. He encouraged me to take a seat in the chair and he took a seat beside me on the stool.
"So how can I be of help today?" he asked me looking straight in my direction.
I felt the nerves slowly coming back now but I tried keeping them under control.
"My mouth has been hurting recently and I realised I had better get my teeth checked" I replied to the beautiful dentist.
"You definitely made the right decision, it's best to get things checked out if there's an issue. So, when was the last time you visited the dentist."
I hesitated. I didn't want to lie to him so I told the truth.
"4 years" I sighed.
"Okay. What's the reason you haven't been in a long time?"
Dr Urie seemed very concerned about me. I began telling him about my experiences until he decided it was time to give my teeth a good check over. I was on the urge of crying, but I was determined not to let any tears slip out. I layed back on the chair and he pushed the button which made the chair lower into a 180 degree angle. I watched his every move. First of all he rolled the tray over to where we were so it was right in front of me. Next he grabbed a large plastic wallet and poured multiple tools onto the tray. I noticed many were extremely sharp which put me on edge. Then he reached over and pulled out a pair of stretchy rubber gloves. He expertly slipped every finger into the correct position and stretched the glove down his arm until it made a snapping sound. He repeated this process for the second glove and it made me cringe. He then reached over and grabbed a mask for his face. He placed it over his mouth and nose and placed both strings onto the sides of his ears so it wouldn't fall off. Now all I could see was the upper part of his face. Suddenly he looked like a scary dentist rather than a gorgeous man and I began to feel fear. He moved the light so it was shining right onto my mouth. He rolled his stool over so his lap was beside my head and once again stretched his gloves, right above my head, to be sure they were in a suitable position. I saw him reach over to his tray and grab a mirror and a pointy tool.
"Open please" he said to me in a rather blunt manner.
I obeyed him. I was terrified but I didn't want to show my fear. My mouth wasn't open wide enough for him so he gently used his gloved finger to open my mouth wider to his liking. His dazzling eyes were in my view and they were all I could see. He moved the mirror from one tooth to the next and I watched his eyes scanning my mouth. He used one finger to retract my cheeks for a better view of my back molars. I felt slight pain when he used the pointy tool between the grooves of my teeth but nothing too bad yet.

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