Chapter 34- Brendon's Teeth

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The next thing I knew, Brendon was planting himself onto the dentist chair and laying his head on the rest.
"You see that button over there?" he asked me, pointing to a small button on the side of the chair. "Push it."
I pushed the button and the chair began to lower. I was going to check Brendon's teeth! I felt very excited for a second and I didn't care about the worries rushing through my head.
"Now all you need is a bib, the light and a mirror and you're ready to check my teeth!" he winked at me and snapped his teeth together, playfully.
I knew what to do, I'd seen Brendon do it before.
I grabbed a bib and placed it on Brendon's chest. Next, I emptied the contents of the plastic wallet onto the tray, noticing soon I'd be putting them in Brendon's mouth. Lastly, I reached up and positioned the light so it was pointing directly on to his mouth. I sat on the chair and rolled it round to his head, bringing the mirror with me.
I tapped his lips.
"Open up patient."
This time, he was the one doing what I said. I placed the mirror in his mouth and began searching around his teeth. They were unbelievably straight, clean and pristine, they put my teeth to shame!
I did as Brendon did in my mouth, using my finger to retract his teeth for a better look.
When I'd finished up looking in Brendon's mouth I removed the mirror and sat the chair up.
"Thanks doc!" he said cheerfully, joking around. "Just a quick thing for if you check any real patient's teeth. Look out for black dots on the teeth. They'll most likely be a cavity and will need filling. Other than that, welcome to the team!"
Brendon shook my hand and we laughed together.
This dentist thing wasn't all that bad!

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