Chapter 7- Lunch

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By the time I was out of the dental office it was time for lunch. I didn't know what I fancied so I pondered on the situation whilst wandering around town until I noticed a cheerful looking café just ahead of me. I still had the same aching pain in my mouth that I'd had for the last few days but nothing was to stop me from eating food. Besides, I wanted to get rid of the horrible taste Dr Urie's gloves had left in my mouth.
I headed inside the small café and placed my bottom down on a chair in the corner, supposedly for a party of two. However, today it was me and me only. A party for moi. It was a very quiet place which was not very full. There were three other tables in use. Two in which I expected were couples, male and female. The other which looked like a lady and her mother. And then there was me. The loner of the century sitting awkwardly on my own with nothing but a menu. I scanned the detailed menu until I found something that tickled my fancy. A lovely prawn baguette with Mary Rose sauce. I read the text and instantly smiled to myself. All my worries vanished and I forgot all about the filling I was due to have the next day.
I ordered my lunch and a glass of lemonade. Around 10 minutes later my order arrived and was placed in front of me by a slim lady with frizzy brown hair. She smiled at me and walked away, allowing me to delve into this spectacular meal. I finished my meal, which was divine, without a trace left on my plate, except the tomatoes which I didn't appreciate eating. I decided to treat myself so ordered a brownie.
Again, my brownie arrived at my table at lightning speed and I was ready to dive in. I took the very first bite, but...

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