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As per usual every Monday  , I was back on the treadmill trying to sweat away my calories . I had completely forgotten about myself and this extra intense workout was my form of compensation . I could not get enough of the sit-ups , crunches and planks  until my all time gym instructer  Riyadh came up clapping cutting my workout short .

"Great work Maryam" He applauded.

Who would resist such a warm compliment since all I have been hearing my entire life was criticism , so a good word from him meant the world to me .

I grabbed my face towel , wiped the swamp of sweat on my face and landed my bottom to the nearest seat . At this point , I was out of breathe .

"Thanks Riyadh ,  this body doesn't come easily !" I joked .

He laughed , punching on my arms , clearly marking our friendship . We clearly knew that both of us were stuck in the friend zone and no possiblity of us "in love" would arise  .

"He is like a brother to me" , a term I used everytime anyone questioned our relationship status and no one seemed to believe , but we could care less .

We met in the gym few years ago when I was the flabby ugly duckling everyone laughed at . So depressed I was , and clearly I had no charisma while gyming until he brought a smile to my face .
There is no exxageration when I say
"He is the sunshine in my life" .
Everyday he would chitchat and make every second feel light to my body .

"Keep up the good work and by the wedding  ... you'll look phenomenal !" He replied back .

"Wedding ? What wedding?"

"You and Munir are getting married right?"
He sneakingly asked , his face clearly not as happy as I imagined it to be had he heard about my wedding news  .

"That blubber mouth told him already" I thought to myself .

I forced a smile to assure him that it was true . I was in great disbelieve , 
stuck in thoughts , "How can he go around telling everyone ?"

I felt uncomfortable , first time since I forever knew Riyadh . I had to get away from the uncomfortable situation .

"Riyadh we'll see each other soon,"  I said .

Quickly , I grabbed my bag and left the gym . As I passed my hand through my bag looking for my car keys I suddenly felt my legs sway on the air  . Everything began rotating , I was obvioulsy on someone's arms until I was dropped down transfixed to the ground , my mind still left rotating .

I giggled for a while and as I tilted my head up to see who it was  , Munir was all I could see .

I tried hiding the joy but I couldn't stop smiling  !

"I see you liked it !" He said , smiling of course . Nothing seemed to bring him joy than to make me smile .

I hastily put on my serious face and rolled my eyes signalling otherwise .

"I see you told everyone about the marriage " I quoted with my fore finger and middle finger bent trying to send off sarcastic signals .

I moved a few steps away from the spot I was at and sat on the terrazo just outside the gym . I was too tired to stand but never exhausted to start up an argument or nag .

"Munir , why are you doing this to me ? Why do you wanna get married to me ?" I asked , this time seriously , as I pierced my eyes through his .

It was a very important matter and  for me the most honest answer would help .

He widened his lips as if he was waiting for the exact question for ages . He moved a bit closer and softly grabbed my hands .

"Maryam , no need to know why I want to marry you , just know one thing is for sure , I will forever take care of you and protect you ! " he cautiously answered with a pinch of romance .

Oh Lord ! I was totally moved , his voice caught me all way in . I could not resist his gentleness . It seemed to me that he was absolutely genuine ,  even though he did not answer my question exactly to what I wanted to hear .

He cannot see my soft side  I thought , trying to ignore what I truly felt .

I sternly stood and headed to my car . I searched through my bag once again and took out my keys . I smiled to myself , my heart mesmerised and skipping a beat every second , shocked how I was still alive . I opened the door to the car and expectedly , Munir shouted out loud !

" Maryam ,  I love you and you'll soon be mine , you will be mine !"

I giggled as I got into the car , making sure he did not see my face . I quickly started the engine , as I  reversed out of the parking , Munir crazily ran towards my car and kissed the window . I widened my eyes nodding in amazement and drove off leaving him hanging full of love .

The words "YOU'LL BE MINE"  kept racing through my mind . It was really happening , Munir was soon going to be my husband !




Fearless Heart (Islamic Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant