Chapter 18: Stefan The Barbarian

Start from the beginning

already told you this. You have even acknowledged them, yourself?"

I looked perplexed,

"Umm errs, sorry?"

He chuckled,

"Are you asking me sorry or telling me sorry?"

"Err umm, which would you prefer?"

He busts out laughing again. He is laughing so hard that tears are

coming to his eyes. Honestly, I have no idea if it's a good thing or not.

He calms down smiling at me,

"Kylie, you are the most adorable creature on Earth! I could just eat you up!"

Lordy, that sounds umm, I don't know how to take that. So,  I give him weary


He chuckles then leans over and kisses my forehead. His lips seem to linger. He

slowly withdraws sitting back in his chair. He now has a very serious expression

on his face. It is making me wiggle with nervousness. I could tell he was trying

to read me. I immediately try to put a block on it. It must have worked because

he frowns at me. He jumps out of his chair and starts pacing across my floor.


I look at him, but he seems in deep thought. I'm starting to get really nervous

now. I try reading him to figure out what has happened. It's too difficult. I

don't think it's that he is blocking me so much as it is that he seems to have

too many emotions going on at once. I am getting worried now.

"Kian? What's wrong, you are worrying me? Talk to me, please!"

He started mumbling in Gaelic,

"Ní féidir liom chreideann mé a bhí á féin Is é mo chol ceathrair ceart ní mór

dúinn ligean grá di aon ábhar a casadh sé amach a bheith."

I swear to all that's holy! I'm kicking some ass the next time I hear that god

forsaken language!

"Kian! I.."

He interrupts me,

"Kylie, my sweet."

I shut my mouth, because I'm just happy, he remembers I'm standing here. I start

to say something, but again, he interrupts.

"I'm sorry. I have to go. I will be back as quickly as I can, my sweet."

I stare at him. He leans over kisses right on the mouth; although, it's

just a peck, he turns and walks out my door. What the hell just happened?  I

admit I am steaming mad, Kian was acting just like that the lunatic. Well ok maybe

not; even so, oh my gosh! What the haydes happened? We were to go, sight seeing today

dammit! I grab my bag and stomp out the door. I glare at Stefan, then stop right

in front of him.

"You are going with me now! Got it?"

He looked like he was going to argue, but once he saw my face. He nodded

following me to the elevator. I didn't even look at him beside me. I slammed the button to the garage.

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