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really sorry to skip ahead but I feel this is me trying to get an idea if I can start up the story again or not. I am a little lost on a lot of the details of the characters so I am sorry if I confused you 

sorry for it taking 2 years to try again

I know Its very small Im just wondering if my style of writing is okay? sorry again


(fast forward to when the boys are at boarding school and the parents and hunter have already left for europe)

The house is so empty now days with just Blake and I living here, its been a few weeks since everyone left and me and Blake seem to be getting closer as friends/ roommates we spend nearly every afternoon together whether it is us with friends of ours or just us alone going out for dinner and now I get the Chance to cook as the chef is on a well deserved holiday.

I am currently studying for a  maths test that  is coming up tomorrow which is monday, I definitely  wouldn't say that my grades are the best but I do okay mostly in my chosen subjects which is definitely neither Maths or english, man I hate those horrible subjects.  

Riley and I are closer than ever now that she's not busy with Noah 24/7 we've really bonded these past few weeks at school and also out of school, she has came over quite a few times during the week and also weekends we either went swimming or shopping, let's just say we both could cut down on our rate of shopping. 

I also applied for a job at the local art studio and surprisingly got accepted so now I help out  3 days a week with some classes and also teach a class for the younger kids. I felt bad asking sarah for money each time I needed some so now I can rely on myself rather than others for money . Each week when I get payed ive been putting half of the money I earn into a savings account for my future.

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