"Okay," I sighed,"I haven't had what you call a 'real childhood' because ever since my dad left, I felt like I couldn't." And that wasn't lying either, just not telling the whole truth.

"Your dad left?" She asked, and I nodded. "Aw, I'm sorry Justin."

"It's fine. So what about you? Tell me about yourself."

"Okay, my whole name is Evelyn Lania Summers, my favorite color is black, and I'm 21."


"Hey, black doesn't get enough credit. It's a beautiful color," she raised up her hands and I just chuckled and shook my head.

"Black isn't a color, it's a --"

"Don't even start that bullshit."

I laughed, "What else do I need to know about you?"

"You mean like my childhood and stuff?" I shrugged,"Whatever you think needs to be shared."

"Okay, um.. I was raised in Pennsylvania with my mom and dad.... I moved to Los Angeles when I was 19. There's nothing else that needs to be shared," she chuckled. Wow, wish I had her life.



"Your life sounds perfect, I wish I could experience a life like that for a day," I told her.

"Everything's not what it seems," I thought I heard her mumble, but I could've been tripping over the drone of the fan.

"What now?"

"That's all I get to know?" She chuckled,"What do you want to be when you grow up? Did you attend college? Come on, Justin. Fill me in."

I thought for a moment. I've never really thought about what I wanted to be when I grow up, cause deep down I've always known that I would t 'grow up'.

"I don't know what I want to be. I just want to leave a legacy," I said. And that was true. I wanted people to remember me.

"That's deep, Justin. You're a deep ass person and I'm just so goofy. We don't mix at all."

I smiled,"I guess opposites do attract?"

"Oh, now that was corny. And I thought I was corny." I laughed with her.

"Evelyn, yo' mama was just on the phone!" Chanel called.

Evelyn groaned,"What'd she want?"

"She's coming over in an hour."

Evelyn sighed,"I guess that ends our day together, Justin.. I oughta take you home now." I looked at her confused,"Okay?"

"I'm not trying to get rid of you," she laughed,"You just don't want to be here when she gets here. Trust me, I'm doing you a big favor."

"Okay," I put on my shoes and walked to the door with her after saying goodbye to Chanel. I don't even want to talk about how she hugged me and squeezed my ass.

We got in the car and the radio was slightly turned up to avoid an awkward silence. "Why don't you want your mom to come over?" I asked.

"You caught me, huh?" She asked back. "Well, your demeanor changed at the mention of her. Not to be nosy, but why?"

"I love her, but we just don't see eye to eye about some things, that's all. My mama is the type to talk to me like I'm 12."

"Oh," I said quietly. She just nodded and started humming softly to the radio.

We pulled up in my driveway and my mom poked her head our the door out of nowhere. "Crap," I muttered.

"Justin, is this your friend?"

"Aw, is this your mom?" Evelyn whispered, looking at her. I rolled my eyes in embarrassment. "Yes."

"She's so cute," Evelyn said, flashing me that signature smile.

"Hi," my mom stuck her head in the window,"Sorry to intrude, just wanted to introduce myself to Justin's first friend. I'm Pattie," she offered her hand and Evelyn giggled and accepted.

"It's nice to finally meet you, Ms. Pattie. I'm Evelyn. Justin definitely wasn't going to introduce me anytime soon, you know how he can be," she grinned at me. I sunk down in my seat.

"Come on, mom," I said, getting out the car and taking my mom's hand,"Evelyn has somewhere to be."

Evelyn laughed,"You're a jerk, Justin!" My mom giggled as I dragged her away,"Bye, Evelyn. Nice meeting you!"



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