Chapter 71

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Derek James  sat with a joint in one hand and typed on his laptop with his other. He was busy watching some 'adult movies' but got interrupted by a Skype call. When he looked he saw that it was his totally fine genius girlfriend. He groaned. She was hot and all and hardly around so he could do as he pleased with other ladies but she was super needy. She called all the time. He shook his head and put his joint in an ashtray. Before answering he went to the kitchen to get the stupid mut he had bought to impress her. He kept it on a leash when she wasn't around.

Derek answered the video call while holding the dog on his lap. "Chloe." He said sounding lackluster.

The image on his screen was both hot and irritating. His sexy girlfriend was sat on some fancy looking bed with fancy looking lace pajamas on but she was crying. "Derek babe. How are you? Is everything okay?" She asked.

He tried really hard not to roll his eyes. "Yep. Everything is cool. I'm watching your apartment like usual . . . Watering your plants and all that. What's up?"

"Oh Derek you have no idea." She wept at him.

He groaned as the stupid puppy yipped at the screen. Of course it loved her and hated him. "Well duh I have no idea. That's why I asked babe."

She sniffed. "I wanna tell you everything but I can't . . . This job is so emotional." She shifted in a way that showed some cleavage as she reached for a tissue on her bedside table.

He stared suddenly hungry for her. She was totally hot . . . not to mention her crib was cool. That's why he put up with her annoyingness. "Tutoring a bunch of kids is emotional." He said dryly and distractedly as he contemplated whether or not he should ask her to strip for him.

She sighed. "They're not normal kids Derek . . . They have stories." She sobbed some more.

Derek's slow, slightly high brain grabbed on to an idea. He remembered now that Chloe had mentioned Nicki Minaj's kids . . . The same ones everyone was talking about. The ones people thought were dangerous and keeping secrets. His hot needy girlfriend knew some of those secrets. He smirked and patted the puppy harshly, suddenly seeing dollar signs. "What stories babe. You can tell me anything. If you need to talk I'm here. Strictly confidential." He cooed trying on a sinsere, caring tone.

"O Derek you're so sweet. You're right. I need to get this off my chest. I mean if we're getting married some day we need to tell each other everthing. But you obviously can't tell anyone. This stays between us. You have to take it to your grave." Chloe wept.

Derek smiled and ruffled the dog's fur even though the thought of marriage made him sick. "Of course babe. Cross my heart and hope to die . . ." In his mind he added, 'a rich man'.


" . . . And you know I think she's really nice and pretty. Ever since I laid eyes on her I think I fell in love." Princeton said watching Jesy with caution.

Jesy squeezed the stress ball that Garvin had given her and stared daggars at Princeton.

The two of them along with Garvin were locked in a room. Garvin had a timer and was observing Jesy's reaction while writing notes.

"Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr." Jesy growled squeezing the ball tighter and tighter as images of Princeton's dead carcus between her teeth flashed through her mind. The thoughts were almost pleasurable but the fact that she couldn't make them come true aggravated her.

"Jesy I know why you're so angry. It's because Leigh-Anne actually likes me back. I mean I'm not her boyfriend but she does want to be my friend. You think that her liking me means that she likes you less but that's not how love works Jesy. . ." Princeton went on.

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