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It had been months since the wedding and I still had butterflies. I’d wake up and look at the beautiful, black wedding ring on my left ring finger. “Good Morning, Mrs.Gaskarth.” Alex said, reaching across the bed, his lips meeting mine. “Good Morning, Mr.Gaskarth.” I said, in between kisses. He pulled me into his chest and kissed my head. “I have an idea.”---“What’s your idea?” I asked. “You know that song you made for me? The one they played at the wedding?”---“Mhm.”---“How about we record it together?” A grin grew on my face and I pressed my lips to his. “Let’s go!”

I jumped off the bed, running to the bathroom, and ripping off my clothes and jumping into the shower. I stood in the shower facing the wall, and let the warm water trickle down my naked body. In the midst of a daydream, subconsciously humming to myself I heard the shower door open. I smirked to myself as you felt Alex’s hands grip my waist. “Someone decided they needed a shower too?” I said as his fingertips ran up and down my sides. "It saves water." He smirked. I couldn’t help but giggle at his words as I turned around to face him, capturing his lips in a quick kiss. "I suppose it does." After numerous moans, kisses, and bites, we were out the shower, dressed, and on our way to the studio. 


I stared at Lex as she was singing in the booth. How did I get so lucky? I couldn’t help but keep looking at her wedding ring and look at mine and feel nothing but butterflies. “That was great Lex! One more time!” The producer yelled. She smiled and nodded. Hearing her sing was like falling in love with her all over again. And, I enjoyed every second of it. She finished recording and walked out of the booth and sat on my lap. “I’m hungry now.” She pouted. I kissed her pout, “shall we go feed my wife?”---“Most definitely!” She jumped up and reached out her hand. “Thanks Alex and Lex! Come back tomorrow!” We walked out the door and made our way into the car.

“What do you want to eat?” I asked. “That one diner! The one you took me to for breakfast, remember?” I smiled and thought back. “Of course I remember.”

I pulled into the lot, stepped out the car, and walked hand-in-hand with Lex. This is what I imagined it would be like. We sat across from each other and ordered our food and talked about what seemed like everything. “Alex?”---“Hm?” I said in between bites. “Look over there.” I looked behind my shoulder and saw a girl about 13 and a boy and girl about 5, walked in. They were shivering and the two younger ones gripped onto the older girls hand. They sat in a booth, “Can I help you sweetie?” The waitress asked. “Um, I don’t have any money…” The girl’s voice trailed off. “Oh. Well, you have to buy something or leave. I’m so sorry.” The girl’s face was full of hurt. “Put it on our tab.” Lex called out. I looked at her and she shrugged.

I nodded in agreement. “Thank you.” The girl smiled. “Um, we’ll all share a hamburger and can I get some hot coco?”---“I’ll be right out with that.” I turned around back towards Lex, “I wonder what someone that young is doing out alone.”---“ Me too.” Lex’s eyes wandered away from mine when she heard the little boy speak. “Sissy, are you okay?” By the sound of their accent, you could tell they were from somewhere around England. I slightly turned and saw the girl lift up her grey hoodie, revealing five branded fingers on her side. She began shaking and crying. Her breaths got shorter and I knew exactly what was happening. “Sissy, no. Not again. You’ll be okay. Calm down, sissy.” The little girl spoke. I quickly stood up and picked up the boy and girl, setting them on the other side of the table.


I slowly rose up from my seat and walked over to the table. Alex slid in next to the girl, wrapping his arms around her. He rocked her back and forth, rubbing circles on her back. “Sh, sh. It’s okay. Focus on one thing. Any one thing. See that fork? It’s silver. Take deep breaths.” How did Alex know what to say? Then, it hit me. The girl was having an anxiety attack. “Sir, my sissy is going to be okay, right?” The boy asked. Alex nodded and looked at me, still holding the girl to his chest while she cried and took deep breaths. I sat next to the little boy and girl. They jumped up, wrapping their arms around my neck and hugging me tightly. I held them to my chest, “It’s okay. She’ll be okay.” After about 10 minutes, the kids had calmed down. Alex and I sat with them while they ate and drank. After finishing, Alex decided to speak up.

“What are your names?” He asked. “I’m Jaselyn Moore, that’s my little brother, Jason Moore, and my little sister Jackline Moore.” She spoke quietly. “If you don’t mind me asking, what is someone you’re guys’ age doing out here at night, in this weather?” She seemed hesitant. “Tell them sissy. They can help.” Jason said quietly. She looked up at Alex and he gave Jaselyn a reassuring smile. “Before the twins were born, my mum, dad, and I moved to the US from Bristol. When I was about 7, my mum died. My dad became abusive. He came home drunk tonight and hit me and tried hitting Jackline, before he passed out on the ground. I our birth certificates, money, and a couple of clothes and left.” She said. My heart broke at the thought of hurting these kids. I could tell in Alex’s face that it hurt him too. “We couldn’t see in the weather so, we stopped here. I guess thinking too much got me overwhelmed and that’s when I had my anxiety attack. Then, we met you guys.” Alex gave a half smile and I smiled at the twins. The little boy smiled back and the little girl seemed scared. After about an hour of talking, Jaselyn rose, “Well, I guess this is goodbye. We’re going to have to find somewhere to stay. See if there’s any room for us in this city.” She said. Alex didn’t move from his seat and stared at the table. “Alex? Are you okay?” He looked up at me and Jaselyn had a confused look on her face. He looked at the younger ones and at Jaselyn and back at me. “Come home with us.” He said. “W-what?” Jaselyn asked. I knew exactly what Alex was thinking.

“Come stay with us. We’ll take care of you.” He repeated. “You’re going to take home three kids you just met?” She slightly laughed. Alex laughed as well and I spoke up. “I guess. It's just for tonight right? We'll take you somewhere safe in the morning.” Alex nodded, “Do you guys want to?” He asked Jaselyn. Jaselyn looked at the twins who had pleading eyes. "One night only. Then we'll be out of your hair." 


After gathering their things and heading back home, we showed Jaselyn and the twins around the house. Their hands were glued to Jaselyn’s.  Jason tugged on Jaselyn's sleeve, making her kneel down. He whispered in her ear. "I know Jason. Remember it's for a night thought okay?" I could see the twins shivering, “Do you guys’ wanna go downstairs and warm up?” They nodded in unison. Jason ran down stairs, Jackline following and Jaselyn walking behind. They sat on the couch and they cuddled up to Jaselyn. I placed a blanket over them, making sure they were warm. “So, what do you guys do? This house is really nice.” I smiled up at Alex, “We’re musicians. Alex, get your guitar.”


I grabbed my guitar and began playing for them. "Jaselyn, All Time Low." Jason said under his breath. "What?" She asked confused. I looked at Lex, who was as confused as I was. Jason leaped off the couch and rummaged through the backpack they shared. He pulled out our album ‘Nothing Personal’ and brought it back to show Jasey. “Remember? Jeanette.” Jaselyn looked at the album and back at me. “You’re Alex Gaskarth?” I nodded with a smile. “How did you not know before?” I laughed. “Well, we never actually got to see bands live. We didn’t have internet or anything.” She said. "But, this is way better." Lex laughed. "I actually have a song called Jasey Rae. Does anyone ever call you Jasey?" Jaselyn nodded and smiled. I played Jasey Rae and continued to play until they all fell asleep, Jaselyn hugging Jason and Jackline close to her. I covered them up and made sure they wouldn't freeze.

Lex and I walked upstairs to our room and lay back in our bed. “Alex?” She spoke. “Yeah?”---“Did we really just bring in kids off the street?” She laughed slightly. “We sure did. And, I feel good about it.” She turned towards me and kissed me. “Alex..."---"Hm?"---"Maybe...We should keep them here with us." I hugged Lex against my chest. "Really?" She nodded. "I was thinking the same thing." She widely smiled and kissed my lips. We woke up this morning not knowing by the end of the night, we'd decide to keep two wonderful, lost kids as our own. 

All About Us // Alex GaskarthWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu