The Other Day.

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ATTENTION: a lot of stuff in here is cliche, cringy, and just bad. This story is so old I'm sorry omg -author 12/12/16

"Alex! Come on, wake the fuck up!" The screaming out of Jack's mouth made me lift my heavy feeling eyelids.

I moaned sleepily, "whyyyyy?"

"Considering we're here at the venue and you're late for sound check!"

"Shit." Usually, I would be the first one up and ready to go, but after being terribly depressed, I wasn't really all that into it. I loved performing regardless, but I didn't have the energy and excitement I had. Lisa, my girlfriend of 4 years, decided to break the news to me on our anniversary that she had been sleeping around with another guy that would 'give her what she wanted'. In all honesty, I thought we were happy the way we were, but I thought wrong. Most guys would enjoy being let go. Being a 'rock star', getting any girl I want, and living the dream. My dream was with Lisa.

I slowly made my way to the bathroom, showered quickly and threw on my Ramones t-shirt and blue jeans. "Alex, hurry up!"

"SHUT UP JACK IM GOING." Jack flew out the bus and I followed, shuffling my feet across the ground.

"Hey guys." I fixed on a fake smile and mumbled hellos to everyone. I didn't feel like conversing with anyone so I made my way to the stage, sharply stopping in my tracks when I saw two girls strumming a PRS SE Angelus Custom acoustics.

"Who's that?" I questioned Flyzik.

"That's the opening act, The Glass Case. Joan Ashley and Lex Miller. They're actually pretty good." One had her black hair down, with a half shirt and too short, shorts with vans. She was attractive but her outfits made her look slutty. I like girls that won't show their body 24/7 for a guys' attention. The other had her back towards me so I couldn't catch sight of her all too well.

They had finished their set and started making their way off until Mammals by Bloodhound gang started playing over the loud speakers. Both girls stopped and started dancing on stage like nobody's business. Joan looked like she was having a seizure but Lex, whose face I still haven't seen, was dancing like how I usually would. It was incredibly weird. The song had finally ended and the black hair girl grabbed her guitar, making her way off stage. She made eye contact with me and darted across stage to me.

"Oh my god! Alex Gaskarth! I'm like, in love with you! We are so excited to be opening for you guys!" She attacked me with a squeeze and spun me around. I hugged her back awkwardly and turned when I heard a voice behind me.

"Joan, Let him breathe woman!" I let go of the black haired girl, Joan, and turned around to see a wide eye, brown eyed, average sized girl with glasses on, with a blue hoodie, black jeans, white vans, a silver nose piercing. She had one eyebrow propped up, hair pulled back as her bangs fell above her eyes, with a slight grin plastered onto her face. She reached out her hand while I gazed into her eyes. Her eyes glistened and she had a certain glow.

"I'm Lex." I shook her small, tender hand slowly and hadn't realized I was staring until I felt myself being turned around to face Joan. Lex brushed passed us and I watched her as she was introduced to Jack. Joan was being flirtatious and touching my chest and arms but I honestly had no interest. I grew bored of her rambling and finally, we were approached by Jack and Lex. "Um, I'm going to go get some coffee. Anyone want to come?" Lex asked happily. We all agreed in unison and began our journey to the Starbucks down the street. We were quiet for a while until Lex finally spoke.

"So guys, you excited for this tour?" She asked with a slight smile. "Yeah! Tour is one of my favorite things." We rambled on about guitars, music, and touring. We arrived into Starbucks and waited as Jack ordered our drinks. "I'll be right back, I have to go to the little girls room." Joan said giggling and strutting away. I rose and eyebrow and turned towards Lex. "Yeah, she's had the biggest crush on you forever. You might have a girlfriend by the end of tour eh?" Lex said, nudging my arm and giggling. I rolled my eyes and grinned, "What about you? Are you totally in love with me like Joan?" I asked sarcastically. She sniggered, "Oh yes totally. We're definitely married, you just didn't know until now."---"Oh. I don't know if I'm ready for that kind of commitment."---"Too late Mr.Gaskarth, no refunds. Even if I am ugly." I snapped my head towards her, "You think you're ugly? Are you high?" We both laughed and she pushed me playfully.

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