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I woke up in my hospital bed alone. Where did Lex go? 

"Hey man!" I saw Jack walk in with Rian and Zack. "How you feeling?"--"I'm doing better. Hey, did you see Lex anywhere?" Jack shook his head and so did Rian. "Some old boyfriend or something came to visit her." Zack mumbled. "B-boyfriend?" I rubbed my eyes and tried to forget about what he just said. Was it the ex? "When can I be released? I don't want to be in this hospital all of break dude."--"That's actually why we're here. They released you. Here are some clothes. As soon as you're ready, we'll take you home." I got up and shuffled to the bathroom. I put on my blue jeans, black shirt, vans, and glamour kills hoodie. For someone that just got released from the hospital, I looked pretty good. 

As we were walking to the car, I saw Lex yelling at the ex. I tried not to look because I felt something was going to happen. Sure enough, when I looked, she was kissing him. My heart sank. I thought she hated him… I sat in the car and looked down at my feet and felt a hand on my shoulder. "Alex, it's okay. You'll get her." I looked at Jack shocked. "How did you know?"---"Alex, you're my best friend! Plus, your face and mood changes when you're around her. Remember how happy you were when you first got with Lisa?"---"Yeah?..."---"Well, imagine that and multiply the happiness by a thousand." I smirked at Jack. "In the words of the famous Alex Gaskarth... Everything is A-okay." No wonder Jack was my best friend. This asshole always knew how to cheer me up. "Hey. What do you say we go out tonight? Get girls like we used to?"--"Jack, you're with Joan!"--"I'll bring her with me. It’s fine. This night is for you." I smiled and agreed. Maybe it'll get my mind of Lex.

---2 hours later---

Not to toot my own horn, but I looked good. We weren't going anywhere fancy so I had a white t-shirt, and black and white striped hoodie, black jeans, and converse. My hair was going the way I wanted to. Maybe my luck would change for me? I don't know.

"Hellloooooo? Alex! Hurry the fuck up!" I walked down the stairs and saw Jack holding hands with Joan. "Ready?"---"Yeah." I smiled, grabbed my keys, and walked out to the car wondering what tonight had in store for me.

We arrived at this new club that had opened up and there was a line half way around the block. "Jack, we're going to wait in that?" Jack firmly looked at me. "We're rock stars. Of course not!" I laughed and got out of the car. We walked to the front and approached the bouncer. "Are you on the list?" He had the deepest voice known to man. "Barakat and Gaskarth." The bouncer searched his list and unhooked the velvet rope to let us through. There were lights, dancing, and girls everywhere. Jack and I walked through the crowd and automatically, girls hands were all over me. Some of them were cute, but some looked like a baboon's butt. I felt someone pull on my hand and start dancing on me. The girl was about 5'5 and had long black hair. She had a black t-shirt tucked into high waisted shorts, long black socks, and all black vans. I put my hand on her back and started dancing with her while she had her forehead on mine and bit her lip. "I'm Jessica." She whispered in my ear. "Alex." While Jack was talking to some people and kissing up on Joan, Jessica and I were drinking, and dancing. I was actually having fun. It was the first time I was actually getting drunk since the beginning of tour. "Hey Alex." I turned, facing Jack. "We’re out of here. It's late. You gonna be okay?" I nodded, "Yeah. I'll call you if anything happens." Jack hugged me and left and I turned my attention back to Jessica. She grabbed my hand and pulled me outside the club into the alley. She put her arms around my neck and started kissing my neck. How did I not miss this? "Let's get out of here." I nodded and she pulled me across the street to an apartment building.

We ran up the stairs to her apartment and once we got inside, I pushed her up against the wall and lifted her. She wrapped her legs around my waist while I kissed and bit her neck. She tangled her fingers in my hair and grinded on me a little. I had to admit, it was turning me on a bit. I led her to the couch and automatically, she started tearing off my clothes while I tore off hers. After that, everything went into a blur.

----The next morning---

"Wake up sleepy head." I felt kisses up my neck to my mouth. I opened my eyes and saw Jessica in my shirt. "What happened last night?"

She sat on my hips and kissed me again. "Fireworks happened. You're lucky my roommate won't be back for a while. She would've probably yelled at us for how much noise we were making." She kissed me again while I rubbed my hands up and down on the side of her body. "I'll make you breakfast."

Jessica got up and left the room. She was attractive but she was no Lex. I put on my boxers and pants and walked out to the kitchen. If a one-night stand didn't take my mind off Lex, maybe I should try making more out of this.

I walked up behind Jessica and held her around her waist and kissed her neck while she cooked. "Where's your roommate anyway?"--"She’s with a friend." I walked to the table and 10 minutes later there was a plate of pancakes, bacon, and eggs in front of me. I pulled Jessica into my lap and she began feeding me. "Let's go out tonight. Like on a date. I kinda don't want girl as cute as you to be just a one night stand." She smiled and agreed. 

----Month later-----

"Babe! Are you almost ready!" I heard Jessica yell. Ever since that night, Jessica and I had been going out. Non-stop dates and all that. I hadn’t heard from Lex that entire month. Jessica was a really cool girl and helped me get my mind off a lot so I decided to bring her on tour with us. I grabbed my bags and walked outside to see our ATL bus. Oh how I missed it. I walked in with Jessica behind me and we set our bags into my bunk. I said Hi to the guys and Jessica sat with Cassadee gossiping. "One last stop!" Flyzik yelled. And we were on our way.

We stopped in a city about 20 minutes from L.A. Joan walked in with Jack and smiled. "Joan?! Hey!" I heard Jessica yell. "Hey Jessica! What are you doing here!"--"I'm dating Alex!" Zack walked into the front of the bus with food filling his mouth. "Hey Joan, where's Lex?" Jack and Joan looked at each other. "I thought Jack had told you guys?..." I butted in. "Told us what?" Joan hesitated a bit. "Lex... might not be coming. She went to a hospital in L.A a couple weeks after the last day of tour. Her depression got worse so I had her stay with Jack and I and we found her passed out on the floor. I would think Jessica would have told you. She's Lex's roommate." I looked at Jessica. "Your roommate is Lex?!"--"I didn't think she mattered! I didn't know you guys were touring with Joan and Lex!" I turned back towards Joan. "What hospital?!"---“USC Medical!”  I grabbed Joan’s car keys out of her hand and ran out the bus and hopped into her car and started driving not caring that I just left my band, and girlfriend, worried. 

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