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My eyes fluttered open, my vision slightly blurred in the soft, morning light. I reached over to my bedside table and grabbed my glasses, slipping them on and turning my head to look beside me. I smiled at Alex sleeping, breathing quietly, next to me. My feet touched the cold hardwood floor as I eased myself out of bed, careful not to wake Alex. I padded softly over to the window and watched as the snowflakes gently drifted down from the sky, creating a white blanket over Baltimore. It was one of the most beautiful things I had ever seen. I was slightly startled as I felt Alex snake his arms around my waist. “Good morning, beautiful.”---“Morning,” I replied sleepily. I turned my head and brought his lips to mine, savoring the sweet and gentle kiss. I spun myself around, placing my hands on his chest, and enjoying each second my lips were connected with his.

I’ll start breakfast,” Alex said, pulling away. I glanced around the room and spotted Alex’s favorite Glamour Kills jumper, which I slipped on along with my jeans that were lying on the floor. I staggered down the stairs out into the kitchen where Alex was searching through the cupboards. “Watcha looking for?” I asked him. “Pancake mix.” I giggled and helped him search through the kitchen. “How about we just go out and enjoy Baltimore?” With a smile placed upon his face, Alex ran upstairs and down, dressed in a hoodie and jeans. He grasped my hand and dragged me out into the streets of Baltimore. “This is beautiful. I wish I would’ve worn a thicker sweater thought. It’s freezing!” He slipped off his hoodie and draped it over my shoulders. “Alex! You’ll freeze!”---“It’s worth it.”

An hour, exchanged kisses, and a freezing Alex later, we were all sat at the table at iHop with full stomachs and empty plates in front of us. “Can I pass out now?” A smile tugged at the corners of my lips, “No you can’t. WE can though.” Strolling down the street, hand-in-hand, we made it back to the house and into bed. “Weren’t we here like an hour ago?”---“So? I can’t enjoy a lazy day with my boyfriend?” Tugging my body towards his, Alex spoke, “Nope. I’m dragging you with me later to write for the new album.” I sighed a pecked his nose. “You do need my creative ways.” Nuzzling his head into my neck, we drifted into a calm, quiet sleep.


“Alex! Wake up! You have to go write!” I rolled over onto my stomach and groaned. “No.” Launching herself onto my back, Lex kissed my neck, causing goose bumps to grow on my arms. After an hour of trying to wake me up, we I was dressed and we drove down to Jack’s house.

Flyzik and I dabbled around with guitar notes and lyrics while Lex and Jack watched Home Alone. Jack was citing every line, while Lex had fallen asleep. They say that love is forever; your forever is all that I need please stay as long as you need. Lex answered her phone sleepily, giving short answers to the person on the other side of the line. She groaned and leaned her head against the couch. "What happened, love?" Her eyes met with mine and I smiled. "Photo shoot a day after Christmas. I have to 'dress girly' whatever. My style is fantabulous." We all laughed and she pouted. I got up from my place and kissed her.

"AWWWW. Millakarth feels. My heart." Jack joked. "I'm going to go get a monster. Assholes." She walked off with her beautiful, white smile and Jack pulled me down next to him. "Are you going to wife her or what? If you don't I will!" I shushed Jack, "I plan to actually. And she's mine Jack!" Jack pouted, "No more Jalex?! My heart is crushed." Flyzik busted out into laughter and was shushed by Lex, walking down the stairs. Straight faces appeared on all our faces.

Jack whispered into my ear, "Christmas is around the corner." My eyes opened wide and I grinned, while jumping up and down. "What's going on here? Did Jack finally propose to Alexander? Aw, Jalexxxx." I pulled her into my lap and bit her arm. "Jalex does not exist, Millakarth definitely does!" I moved my lips with hers and she cupped my cheek. I definitely had to marry this girl. Before Jack did.


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