Won't let you fall down.

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I woke up the next morning with the biggest headache on the face of the earth. All I remember dancing with Lex. It was perfect. I lay in my bunk for about 20 minutes then finally decided to get up and get ready for the day. I pulled back the curtain in Jack's bunk and found him naked with Joan lying on his chest. Whoa. I took a quick shower and got dressed in my Glamour kills hoodie, black skinnies, and vans. It was our day off and my lazy day and I wanted to spend it with Lex. I stepped onto The Glass Case's bus to find Lex teary eyed on the couch. She looked at me with red, puffy eyes and fiddled with her fingers.

“Lex? What happened? Why are you crying? Who did this to you?” Running to her side, I pulled her into a hug. She took in a deep breath, “It’s amazing how one person can have the biggest impact on you and it sucks on how fast they can leave.” I cocked my head, confused. “My boyfriend, well ex now, left me because he didn’t want a girl with ‘disgusting scars on her arms’ and that can’t write good music.” Her voice was full of pain and my heart shattered. I took hold of her wrist and stared at her scars. I traced over them with my finger, “Why Lex?”---“I’ve had them since I was about 15… My life was complete shit and I guess it was the only way I could cope.” She looked down and I saw a tear roll off her cheek. I grasped her hand, grabbed her guitar, and dragged her down the block to the park where we made wishes. I sat across from her, cross-legged, “Play me one of your songs.” She hesitated, “I-I don’t know Alex.”---“Please?” She looked at me and back down at her guitar and began playing.

He sits in his cell, and he lays on his bed.Covers his head and closes his eyes.He sees a smoking gun,and the coward he ran.And in his arms is the bleedingLove of his life.And she cried,"Kiss it all better, I’m not ready to go.It’s not your fault, love,you didn’t know, you didn’t know."Her hands are so cold,and he kisses her faceand says, “Everything will be all right."He noticed the gun,and his rage grew inside.He said, “I’ll avenge my lover tonight”.And she cried "Kiss it all better,I’m not ready to go.It’s not your fault love,you didn’t know, you didn’t know."Now he sits behind prison bars,25 to life and she's not in his arms.He couldn’t bring her back with a bullet to the heartIn the back of a man who tore his world apart.He holds on to her memory,all it is, is a memory.Hey, hey.He cries,Stay with me until I fall asleep,Stay with me.Stay with me until I fall asleep,Stay with me.Stay with me until I fall asleep,Stay with me.Stay with me until I fall asleep,Stay with me.Kiss it all better;I’m not ready to go.It’s not your fault love,you didn’t know, you didn’t know. Stay with me until I fall asleep,Stay with me.Stay with me until I fall asleep,Stay with me.

She kept her head down and was shaking lightly. I grabbed the guitar from her hands, setting it down next to us in the grass, and pulled her towards me. I cupped her face, kissing her head. “That was incredibly beautiful Lex. Why don’t you guys sing like that instead of doing covers?” She let out a little laugh and sighed. “I never had the courage to.”---“Well, from now on, that’s all you and Joan are going to be singing. Your songs.” She wrapped her arms around me neck and gripped me tightly. This girl was cute, funny, she sang, she played guitar, what couldn’t she do?

We sat out around, cooking and drinking and joking around with each other. Joan and Jack had certainly hit it off apparently, considering the fact the Joan and Jack were sucking faces. Lex was playing her guitar with Zack and I caught myself glancing at her whenever she sang. They set their guitars down, “Zack, let’s go play a game of s.k.a.t.e yeah?” Zack nodded and soon enough they were skating around the parking lot. Add skating to the list of how perfect Lex was.

“I win Zachary!” She broke out into laughter, and ran around the lot. Zack pouted and she tackled him into a hug. “Aghhhh, I don’t want to walk all the way back to the bus to change.” Lax whined. I dragged her into the bus and rummaged through my luggage. I gave her my long sleeve Glamour Kills shirt, “Here you bum. Keep it.”---“Thank you Alex. Now everyone is going to be jealous I have your shirt.” I looked down at the ground and felt my cheeks heat up. She placed a kiss on my forehead and ran off to the bathroom to change. “Do I look like you now?” She came out and did a funky pose. “Oh totally. Except my hair is better.”---“No way!” She stepped back into the bathroom and I stepped in behind her, watching as she fixed her hair. “How about now?” I giggled, “This is going on twitter.” I brought out my phone, “Say cheese.” She stuck out her tongue, flipping off the camera and there was a smile plastered onto my face.

Twitter: Don’t we look like twins? Best friend Lex wearing my shirt bc she smelled like sweat.

I hit the send button and ignored the billions of replies. “Disney movies!” She grasped my wrist and pulled me towards the front lounge. She popped Tangled into the DVD player, and we sat side-by-side, singing every word. At the end of the movie, I looked over at Lex and saw she had fallen asleep. I picked her up and carried her and placed her into my bunk, covering her with my batman blanket. I brought out my phone again and took a picture of her. Not creepy at all. I posted it on instagram and got thousands of comments.

“You guys are cute best friends!’  ‘You two would be cute together!’  ‘MILLAKARTH!’

I simpered and went to lay in the back lounge. Millakarth ay? Maybe one day. I dozed off into a deep sleep, thinking about Lex. 

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