"But first. Proper introductions." Sam said. "Hi. My name is Samantha Cole, but you may call me Sam or Sammy. I am shy, anxious, I hardly speak, and when I do, I tend to swear a lot. I worry a lot, I can be very clingy which is why people don't like me, and I have trust issues." Ara and Teddy looked at each other. Teddy spoke first.

"Theodore Manning, but I go by Teddy. My dad used to abuse me, my sister and my mother. I hate cops, and I don't play nice with others. I fight a lot, and this is probably my eleventh school, and I'm only in ninth grade."

"Arabella Lee. I go by Ara. Never Bella. I'm not from twilight searching for my Edward and playing with Jacob's heartstings. I hate cops. I was shot by my stepfather who murdered my mother, and now we live with my biological father who never knew I existed. Like my brother, I don't play nice."

Sam looked at the two. "So are you two blood related?"

"Just by our mother." Teddy said.


"No it's your turn." Teddy said. "What do we need to know?"

"Well for starters Ara, the one teacher you never backtalk is Mrs. Jonson. Not even Ashton back talks her, but that's probably because she's a former Navy Seal and still uses the strap. Second, and I already told you, Felicity is a major slut, but don't ever call that to her face unless you want trouble. Never say anything negative about Michael's hair. He won't hit a girl, but he'll get revenge one way or another. And you never sit in Ashton's seat. You're just asking for something to happen." Sam speeled on. "Alright, um Teddy, watch out for Ashton and his friends, as well as the football jocks." Sam added.


"No offense, but the name Teddy is bound to bring you trouble."

"Let them mess with me. They'll be sorry."

"That's another thing. Principal Harper hates violence. So watch out." For the next seven minutes, Sam listed off every little thing they needed to know. "That's everything." Ara glanced around the cafeteria, and her eyes landed on Ashton who had just walked in.

"Don't look now but here comes one angry motherfucker." Ara smirked. Sam turned around in her seat nervously, and freaked out.

"Why's he coming this way!" she exclaimed.

"Oh does he ever look angry." Teddy smiled.

"Is this normal for you two?"

"Like we said, we don't play nice with others." Ara laughed.

Sam kept her head down has Ashton neared. Ara just smiled like an idiot in love. Teddy just watched, making sure this boy didn't hurt his sister. "Hey you." Ashton called. Ara looked around playfully.

"Who. Me?" she joked. Ashton placed both of his hands on table next to her causing Sam to flinch a little.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" Ashton snapped. Ara smiled.

"Glad you asked. I'm Ara. I supposedly stole your  seat in English, and stole your  job of harassing teachers." She responded.

"Yeah, my job." Ashton sneered. Ara leaned in closer to him. She could smell the smoke from his breath. Ashton back away a little. Michael, Calum and Luke watched curiously, while Teddy sat amused at his sister.

"Ashton, isn't it?" Ara began. "Listen. I don't care." she said. "I could care less if I was in your seat, or If I stole your job of harassing teachers. I do what I want on my own terms, and I don't bow down to arogant little punks like you."

"Arogant? Who you calling Arogant?"

"You. You may have people terrified of you, those who run away from you in the halls, but not me. I don't bow down to others. I'm a girl, not a toy. So get used to it buddy boy." She snapped. Ashton smirked and then laughed.

"You're a fiesty one aren't you?"

"Mmm. A little."

"Well listen here sweetheart. This is my school. You don't roam the halls like some queen. You're just like the rest of us. Nobody cares. Get used to it." Ara frowned instantly. Her fist clenched by her side.

"Ara." Teddy warned. "Walk it off. Liam is gonna have a fit if you get yourself suspended on your first day." Ara stood up from her seat, pushing past Ashton, who was confused by the boy's comment. As Ara passed Ashton's friends, she stopped by Michael. She took one look at his hair and smiled like a child.

"I like your hair Mikey." she mused to the redhead. "It suits you." and she walked off. Michael stared after the girl dumbfounded.

"Did she just-"

"Yep." Teddy said. They turned to him. "Take it as a compliment. Ara does give those out too often. She really does like your hair." Teddy turned to Ashton, and frowned though. He stood up, and walked over to him. For only 14, Teddy was quite tall, standing at 5'11. He glared at Ash. "Ara however, hates your guts. And if you hurt my sister. We're gonna have a problem." Teddy turned to find Ara. "Catch you around Sam." he waved to the blue hair girl. Sam nervously waved back.

"Watch out Ash," Luke grinned. "You may have just met your match."

"Shut up Hemmings."

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