Chapter 16 - Appearance

Start from the beginning

I focused my fury onto the infected woman in front of me. Her black eyes stayed locked onto me as she slowly started to close the distance between us. I could hear her breathing in big gulps of air, as if savoring the scent of my flesh. She closed her eyes and took one last breath before she let out a blood-curdling scream and launched herself at me.

In a split second I flipped my hammer around to the pronged side and held it above my head. Just as she reached me I brought the sharp end down into her head, blood squirting from the wound.

The crowd’s chanter ceased as the woman’s body sank to its knees and fell to the side, lifeless. Blood began to pool around her head, and the audience was so silent that I could hear my heart beating frantically in my chest.

Shock was spread across the faces of the crowd in front of me. Matches usually weren’t over so quick. They usually lasted anywhere from ten to thirty minutes. And never in a match had an infected been killed.

Before the eruptions could begin I threw my hammer to the floor with a loud bang. “I will NOT be a part of your sick form of entertainment!” I yelled at them. My eyes locked with Vivian, whose face was almost as red as her hair. “I will not be used anymore!” I directed more towards her.

I didn’t even put up a fight when the guards stormed into the cage grasping my arms and shoulders. They led me out of the cage and down the middle aisle of the theater seats. Eyes of the spectators grew wide when I passed and heads turned to watch me go. I didn’t make eye contact with anyone though. I kept my eyes glued to the back of the guard’s head in front of me.

Just as we reached the doors someone started clapping. Applause started to raise through the theater soon being enveloped by cheers and yells. I smiled to myself as the doors slammed shut behind me.

But the smile wasn’t for the crowd. It wasn’t even for myself. My smile was for Cody because he would have been proud. My heart stung at the thought of him, knowing that he was dead.

As the guards led me through the aisles of slot machines and towards the elevators, I searched over the faces of men, hoping that Ryder wasn't here. Praying that he was still in Doc's room. Aundrea would be safe, but how safe would Ryder be? Are they looking for him right now?

My heavy nervous breathing rung out over the droning elevator music, making the guards edgy next to me. The doors dinged open and they led me down the hall, my eyes trailed over the numbers wondering where they were taking to me. When they stopped in front of my suite I was confused.

The guard in front turned around, pulling a pair of handcuffs from his belt and locking them around my wrists. Fear chilled through me as he opened the door, shoving me inside and slamming it shut behind me.

My eyes swept the room, the silver of the handcuffs cold against my skin, my eyes landing on a figure lounging on the couch. With red hair.

Vivian sat with her legs propped up on the table, one pink stiletto crossed over the other, her eyes glaring straight at me.

“You think you are so smart,” Vivian said, her voice bitter. “I give and give Desiree. I give you a little freedom, you turn a death into a funeral. I spare your life, then you break the rules once again. You keep slipping out of my grip, and I don't think I can let that happen anymore.” In a sudden movement Vivian lifted her hand, which she had been resting in her lap.

In her hand was a small black revolver. She lifted it to her eyes, gazing at the barrel pulling her thumb back to cock the trigger, loading the bullet.

My eyes widened and I tried to move my arms, the handcuffs digging into the skin on my wrist with every movement.

“Come here,” Vivian said, aiming the gun at me, my eyes staring into the black hole of the barrel.

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