Chapter 15 - Kiss

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I nervously twitched as I waited for the door to open, the handkerchief against my cheek now a dark red from my blood. Ryder stood next to me, his hands shoved in the pockets of his black slacks, always watching me to make sure I was okay.

The door clicked open and a man stuck his head through the opening, smiling as he saw Ryder. His gray hair across his forehead, and wrinkles formed at his eyes as he smiled. He turned to look at me, the smile falling off his face, his eyes trailing to my torn cheek.

“Doc,” Ryder said next to me, his arm wrapping around my shoulders. “This is Desiree. She needs your help.”

“Actually,” I added, still having the doctor's full attention. “It's Desi.”

Doc raised his eyebrow and glanced at Ryder before opening the door and motioning us into his suite. It looked the same as every other suite I'd seen except instead of a dining room area, there was hospital machinery and a small bed, quilted with white sheets-- a reflection of a room I'd been in many times before the infection broke out.

“If you'll just have a seat on the edge of that bed right there, I will get you stitched up,” Doc said behind me after he closed the door.

I turned to look at Ryder, stepping closer to him. “Are you sure he's on our side?” I whispered.

“Positive,” Ryder replied quietly, resting his hand on my back as he led me to the bed.

I sat down, watching Doc as he got his supplies and lowered the handkerchief from my face, feeling more blood seep through the cut.

“That's really deep,” Doc said as he rolled the stool he was sitting on towards me. “What did she hit you with?”

I widened my eyes at him, shocked that he would know who had done this to me.

“It was that witch, Vivian, right?” Doc asked, pulling a syringe from the small table next to him.

“Yes,” I said quietly, focusing my gaze on something other than the needle that he moved closer and closer to my face. My eyes fell on Ryder who also seemed to be waiting for my answer. “It was her ring. She hit me with the back of her hand.”

Doc sucked in a breath. “That must be why the cut is so jagged.”

A crease formed between Ryder's brows, his jaw clenched as if he was trying to hold himself together. An intensity shone in his eyes, his gaze boring into mine.

“Don't worry,” Doc said. “I'll get you fixed up.”

I glanced around the room as Doc began to stitch up my numb face, suddenly wanting to look at everything but Ryder-- afraid of the comfort that sifted through my body when he looked at me.

I felt the tug and pull of the thread as it was weaved through my skin, thanking God that I wasn't feeling the pain right now. Before I could get comfortable on the bed, Doc had cut the thread and dropped the needle onto the table.

“All done!” Doc smiled, rolling his stool away from me.

Ryder came into my vision out of the corner of my eye, but I stayed focused on Doc as I stood up.

“So why did you help me?” I asked him, trying not to sound mean. “What I mean is, why are you with us? You're not a contender, and everyone here who isn't one, love to see us hurt.”

Doc nodded his head as if he was expecting the question. “I'm pretty much the only one that's here for you all.” He shrugged his shoulders as if it was obvious. “I stitch you up when you're torn and I help you when you're broken. You see, my wife had B Positive blood.”

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