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harry's p.o.v

the next day i was woken up at a horrible hour in the morning, it took me time to realise that this infact was my wedding day, they day i thought about all my life with the person who made my heart swell, Though that note couldn't escape my mind...I tried to cloud my thoughts and not think about Lucas, He can't be that dangerous can he?

though lottie is moving far away because of him so he can't be safe can he? Is Lottie mad? is lottie imagining things like Louis suggested..i dont know. Eleanor's death may have affected her but as Lottie said wouldn't it have affected Louis much more i mean after her cheating on him and everything?

I thought about this as my hair was being done, as tradition i wasn't allowed to see Louis before the wedding though i knew he had a tuxedo special made, it was one of a kind.. he was the only person in the world who owned it. My heart flustered at the thought of how gorgeous Louis would look and i was swept into a daydream. 

I was put into a lovely amazing tuxedo, i couldn't wait till Louis got to admire me i wonder if he was as nervous and excited as i was?

'He's also getting his hair done in a special way, he's copyrighted it noone else can have that hairstyle or his tuxedo he is going to look very unique and special! i coulnd't wait to see him. i wondered what my family were wondering above all i hope they are happy for me, i hope they know i am happy because that is what i am happy. 

'Relax Harry there is nothing to worry about,' the tailor said and laughed with me, i was nervous about the wedding and about Lucas....i know louis told me to relax and everything because according to Louis lucas wasn't real but how can i ignore all of lottie's warnings?'

The bow tie was fixed perfectly on my tuxedo which was the last bit before I was ready to walk down the isle..my stomach was churning.

Niall was 'in charge' of me, Louis was so oblivious to Niall's attraction to me. Niall was to escort me to the wedding hall where everyone would be waiting and i had to walk down the isle surrounded by thousnads of people, not to mention millions of people watching me as the weddign would be broadcasted on televison. My family and lots of people in my village do not own a television so they would crowd around a television in the store or something. 

As we walked down to the hall, with a bouquet of flowers in my hand niall winked at me and said.

'Married eh? how kinky,' 

i rolled my eyes when would he give this a rest?!

'You will go in in five minutes mr styles,' the wedding coordinator said to me,

i nodded nervously. in that second all those threats from Lucas came into mind and i was starting to reget all of this but it was too late! i started walking down the isle and when i saw Louis staring at me with nothing but admirtation and love in his eyes it all made sense to him. 

I didn't even feel nervous as i walked down the isle passing the 'ahhs and oos' 

finally i walked and saw Louis smiling at me, he had been waiting for this day so long, i saw his mother looking so proud and i felt good that i could cause this much happiness for them.

'I love you Harry,' louis mimed to me as the priest came towards us

'i love you louis,' i mimed to him, i checked him out his hairstyle was wicked and his suit was to die for, it was brilliant he looked gorgeous like a model from vogue. i got lost into his deep blue eyes but the priest interrupted my daze.

the vows came~ ~ 

fast forward to the ring bit....

'Please may the best man deliever the rings,' The priest requested

Louis' best man gave me a ring and louis one, and we placed it on each other and smiled, i was so happy i was married this was it i was married and i couldn't be happier. 

 the ring was beautiful i smiled at it and looked at it with admirtation it was carefully carved...then i noticed something the ring had inside carved a picture of a circle with a dash inside of it, i would have found it so much more pretty if i hadn't recognised that symbol.

That was the same symbol Lucas drew on the end of his note and the end of the blood written on the wall. I furrowed my eyebrows that was so scary.

Louis saw me observing the symbol on the ring he smiled at me. 

'Do you like the pattern and symbol?'

'yes its very pretty,' i said

'Good i designed it myself,' 


'you may kiss the groom, the kiss wasn't as magical as i hoped because i was still in shock at how Louis designed this pattern himself the same pattern as Lucas....

a/n sorry its such a short chapter...but all about lucas will be revealed very soon :)

The king's groom (larry stylinson)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang