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harry's p.o.v

*next morning*

'How is your head lou?' i asked as we sat up from bed

'its fine my headaches seem to be goin but i had one last night but it wasw while i was sleeping,'  he shrugged

'well thats good atleast they are getting better,' i said smiling 

i remember what Lottie told me, she couldn't tell me much but as long as I kept Louis happy he would stop having headaches and we wouldn't be in danger. I know this made no sense whatsoever but i had to take it seriously but then again i didn't want to lie to Louis also. 

When we got downstairs we saw the banqueting hall being decortated for our wedding in a couple of days it looked so beautiful and I smiled at Louis, i couldn't wait till i got to be his groom. I had to admit but i had fallen in love with him properly. Everytime he touched me i felt sparks and everytime he smiled i felt a rush of energy go through me.

Louis and i strolled down to breakfast where we saw Lottie curled up in a ball rocking back and forth hysterically crying. We gasped and ran to her. 

'Lottie! what's wrong?' i gasped

She wouldn't answer she was trembling 'Lucas,' she mimed so only i could see. But how could Lucas have tormented her last night? the palace doors shut and lock unless lucas is living in the palace. 

Louis rubbed Lottie's back telling her everything was going to be okay but i saw Lottie look at Louis in a different way she seemed less-connected. 

'Whats wrong with my sister?' Louis asked me desperatly. Lottie looked mad and possesed she was a wreck. 

'I...I dont know,' i said which was truthful. I saw Niall walk past us and was laughing i started to get really angry. 

i walked up to him and pinned him against the wall with all my strength.

'Harry what are you doing?' don't hurt yourself,' Louis said to me like a mother would say to a child. When Louis said this Niall cackled more, i felt so embarrased why did Louis presume i wasn't strong enough? 

'Let go of me trophy husband what's happened miss your kitty cat?' Niall mocked and pouted

i slammed him against the wall but it had no impact he just laughed at my awful strength. 

'What did you do to Lottie?' i demanded

'Me? i did nothing,' Niall said 

'but you know what happened to her!' i shouted at him

'Hey hey hey don't shout at me hazza bear maybe you should be questioning the king over there,' NIall said. he was looking at me with such scary lust and as if he was eye-raping me. 

'What?' Louis said

Niall just pushed me off him and walked away.

'Harry are you okay?' LOuis asked

'I'm fine Lou!' I said

what did he mean about questioning the king? how had louis got anything to do with Lucas he didn't even know him. 

'Lottie please tell me whats wrong please tell me who lucas is i could imprison him i could take him away please tell me where he lives and he wont bother you ever again,' I whispered in her ear

The king's groom (larry stylinson)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum