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I scared some of you when I said this book will be over soon.

By soon I mean there's probably going to be like 10 or less chapters left!

I just wanted to give you an advance because I HATE when author's give me like a 2 chapter advance notice that the book is ending.

But yea! Here's Chapter 28 of My V. I. P.

Aleana's POV

Ariana came at like 10 pm last night to visit me. I told her EVERYTHING, even the part about me being pregnant. Ariana was extremely supportive, like always.

My doorbell rang. I went to the buzzer.

AG- Grande residence.

C- It's Cole.

I put in the passcode and Cole came in.

C- Good news is that I got Gabe to go on tour!

AG- Oh thank God...

C- Bad news is he's slipping into depression.

I feel bad. But I also hate Gabe. No matter what he's still my first love and the father of my children. 

C- You'll be okay all alone right?

AG- Why wouldn't I be?

C- Fifth Harmony's leaving, IM5's leaving...

AG- Yea it sucks...but I got my big sister here! And my mom's coming to visit so I'll be SUPER busy I won't even have time to think about Gabe.

C- Are you gonna tell the media about the twins?

AG- Well I have to....there's already news about our break up. I'll start showing a bump soon so I need to tell Miriam ASAP.

C- ALright....I hate to do this but...I gotta leave now.

AG- What no Cole you just got here!

C- My flight leaves soon. I'm so sorry. I'll keep in touch everyday I promise.

I gave Cole a huge hug.

AG- Bye Cole...and thank you.

C- No problem.....bye little sis.

I shut the door and decided to watch Spongebob.


still Aleana's POV

After two hours, the doorbell rang again.

AG- Grande.

NKH-  Kordei, Hansen, Jauregui, Cabello and Hernandez.

I opened up the door.

AG- Hey guys. Shouldn't you be at the airport? 

LJ- We wouldn't leave without saying hi first.

AB- We had to come check up on you.

AG- Thanks guys.

CC- Plus our flight was changed to the night so we can stay with you for a few hours.

AG- Oh that is amazing! What do you guys wanna do?

NKH- First of all we need to ask if you're okay.

AG- Guys I am completely fine.

LJ- I'm surprised at how you're taking this.

AB- I haven't known you for as long as these girls but do you always take things this light?

I shook my head.

AG- I read that a women should always try to be positive during pregnancy and that's what I'm doing! I can't let the Gabe situation affect me as much as it should. I'm really hurt but I need to be happy for my kids.

DJH- I'm glad you feel that way.

CC- So when's your mom coming?

AG- Oh tomorrow! I have to get things done before she comes.

NKH- What things?

AG- Oh you know like tidy the house up a bit, finish unpacking, she'll be staying here so I need to get the guest room ready...

AB- Let us help!

AG- Oh no I can't ask you guys to do that.

DJH- Of course you can.

LJ- We're all like sisters so there's no problem.

AG- What would I do without you guys? Thank you so much.

CC- Yea yea you can thank us later. Now what can I start doing?

AG- Well you guys can help me unpack first! Ariana brought all of my stuff yesterday and you guys know I have A LOT of stuff.

LJ- I'll start on your wigs.

AB- I'm gonna go unpack your clothes and put them in your gigantic walk in closet.

DJ- I think I'll help you unpack your clothes.

NKH- If you guys do that Camila and I can tidy up the house?

CC - Yea! And that way we save more time.

AG- Alrighty let us start!


Lauren's POV

AG- Thank you guys once again. It helped so much.

AB- Don't thank us please.

NKH- I hate saying this but we have to go. The limo's here.

AG- Bye guys...

We all had a group hug.

As we all got into the car I started getting a little worried for Aleana.

LJ- Girls will she be okay?

NKH- I don't know Lauren.

CC- I'm worried for her...

DJH- We all are Mila...but I know our girl. She's going to feel fantastic after her mom gets here.

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