Superhero (set up)

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Aleana's POV

I almost NEVER wear dresses to school. Only on special occasions. And what could be more special then my birthday?

And it's Gabe's birthday too!

Yesterday I asked Will to take me to the mall because I wanted to get something for Gabe.

It's a key chain and necklace set that's batman themed. The "Her Batman is a key chain for Gabe. I keep the "His Robin' necklace.

Back to the dress.

I was looking for a dress to wear when I got a text.

From: Batman

Hey and Happy Birthday! Wear a dress and make sure it's black. I have a surprise for you.

He has a surprise too?


To: Batman

Morning and Happy Birthday to you too Batman! I have a gift for you too and also Sure I'll wear black. Come over when you're ready!

From: Batman

Sure thing Robin ;)

I went in my closet and looked for a black dress. I had tons, don't get me wrong. But I had to find the perfect one. 

And finally, I did (picture included).

I went to the bathroom and put on some light make up. I didn't wear any jewelry because once Gabe sees the key chain I'll put my necklace on.  

I left my black hair down and fixed the blonde streak.

Since today is a short day,  there's no gym or anything wear we run. So I decided to go with flats.

When I got to my dresser, I saw a small box wrapped in Cat themed wall paper. Ariana. There was a tag and I read it. It said:

Happy Birthday little sis! Finally, first birthday we're celebrating together! Have a great day and I hope you like the gift!

-Ariana xoxo

I smiled at her note and opened the box. There were 2 pairs of batman earrings. One was black and the other was black with yellow glitter. I decided to wear the plain black ones. 

I went downstairs with my black backpack.


Me- thanks Ari. I love the gift by the way.

Ariana- I see that 'cuz you wore it.


Ding dong

Me-I'll get it.

I went to the door and saw the person I expected.

Gabriel Morales. 

G-Happy Birthday Robin!

he hugged me.

A-same to you Batman!

He let go fo em and just cheked me out over and over as his jaw dropped. I blushed a little.

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