Worth It

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Gabe's POV 

"Gabe come down here now!" I heard my mom call me.

"Coming!" I put my headphones down and went downstairs and saw my om in the kitchen putting frosting on some cookies."Yes Mom?"

She looked up at me. "I need you to go to Ariana's house with some cookies."

"Ariana Grande's house? Why exactly?"

"Because! Her sister is now here and she's going to live with her. We need to be nice. It'll be nice since you are Aleana's age you know? There aren't any girls her age in this neighborhood. I know you're not a girl, but befriend her would you?"


"Yes, Aleana. She's 14 like you. Isn't she your idol?"

"No duh! Yes! I love her so much! She's the reason I love what I do! She got me interested in singing. Her first performance was when she was 6! I love her!"

My mom laughed. "Go change."

I sprinted up to my room. I opened my door and looked at all 27 Aleana Grande posters hung up in my room. She's the best. I'm going to go see her new movie, "Hermione". No one knows about the movie yet, but I do because Ariana told me. Ariana is 2 years older than me, but she's like an older sister. I love her. I changed into one of my favorite outfits (outfit pic included). I did my hair, put on some cologne, and got my shoes. I was gonna meet my idol today! I went downstairs and grabbed the batman shaped cookies and was headed out the door but realized something. Batman? The heck? I turned to call my mom. 

"What Gabe? You haven't left!"

"I'm about to, but why Batman cookies?"

"Aleana loves batman."

My eyes widened. "REALLY!?!?!?!"

"Yes! Now go!"

I rushed out the door and ran to Aleana's house. She lives like, right next door!

I knocked on my door and Ariana opened the door. "Oh hey Gabe!"

"Hey Ariana. Whats up?"

"Not much, helping my sister unpack."

"Oh. Speaking of, where is Aleana? I have some cookies for you both to welcome her."

"Aw how sweet! Well she's right over-"

"Ari,who's at the door?" A girl came down from the stairs wearing a batman tank top and some black shorts holding a batman poster. "You need to help me put up my Batman posters!" I recognized the girl. Aleana Grande.

"I'll put them up, but meet my neighbor! This is Gabe Morales! Gabe, this is Aleana!"

"Hey, I'm Gabriel Morales, call me Gabe. Huge fan."

She shook my hand. "Hi I'm Aleana Grande! You can call me Ally by the way. And also I'm a huge fan too. I love your work."

She's so...beautiful. Even in person. 

"She dyed her hair black and put a blonde streak in it because that's the closest she can get her hair to be batman themed." Ariana said. "And he did the same to his hair because he admires you very much. You guys go talk. I'll be down here."

Aleana smiled at me and grabbed my hand. I felt sparks. "C'mon, let's go to my room."

She led me upstairs. I've been in Ariana's house before, so I know where everything is. When you go up the stairs, you see Ariana's room on the left then in front of it the bathroom. We turned onto the left which there's a music studio and then we kept walking down the hall to a huge room on the right which had a decorated door. I read the door.


Property of Aleana Grande From Here On


We went in and there was Gabriel Morales stuff EVERYWHERE. 

She really is a fan of me. 

She saw me looking around. "Yea...sorry. I told you I'm a fan. Ok tell me about life in L.A.! How's school here? Is it normal and everything? What about this neighborhood? What about you? How do you know Ariana? Hows your famil- Sorry, I'm rambling." she said blushing.

"It's ok Aleana. You have a beautiful name by the way. Life in L.A. is great actually! School is the normal gossipy blah blah stuff. The neighborhood is great. You'll be the only girl in this neighborhood going to middle school. But there are other girls at the school to be clear. I don't mind walking with you every morning to the bus stop. The walk is 20 minutes, its a 5 blocks away. I know Ariana because when Ariana moved to this neighborhood she babysat me. My family is good. I have a bro named Luis."

"And you? Tell me about yourself!"

"Uh...I'm the troublemaker in the family, and at school. I get detention almost every week. I like singing and rapping as you know. And dancing. I love playing soccer. Umm... I'm mostly known at school as the Bad Boy. I don't really have a crew. I mean only 3 boys are my close friends. I get if you don't wanna roll with me after hearing I'm one of those kids who gets in trouble. It's cool I gue-"

"It's ok! Believe it or not, I'm one of those kids! I always get Friday Night Detention. I was the Bad Girl of my old school. I asked Ariana, and I'll be skateboarding to school everyday. Do you skateboard? I saw a skateboard in front of your house that had a letter 'G' on it and a batman symbol on it too. I'm guessing that's yours."  I nodded. "Well then we can skateboard to school everyday. My skateboard is black with a yellow "A" on it. It's in my garage. But again, don't worry about the reputation. I'm a pretty bad girl and I can't wait to meet your friends!" she finished saying as she started putting her clothes in the closet.


She's nothing like Ariana.


Just the figure and the voice a little bit.

And the talent.

But other than that,

NOTHING like Ariana Grande.

We talked for another 2 hours and I was about to leave when I asked her something. I rubbed my neck and bit my lip. "Umm....Aleana?"


"I know we just met and everything, but can I have your number. You're really cool and I'd love to be friends."

"Sure!" she said writing her number on my phone and took a picture to save as the contact photo. 

I left her house and I was walking home. 

I know I said I love her but people say that about celeberities. 

I think... I think I like Aleana.

If I do fall for her, I know one thing for sure:

She's worth it.

My V.I.P. (Gabe/IM5 Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now