Chapter 9

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Ashton's POV
"Ready to go?"
"Let's go!"
Our hair looked amazing! Wonder if the boys would do something like this? We started heading to the studio. We got there pretty quick and we had just enough time to drop our stuff off and grab the boys for lunch! Score for me!
  *knock, knock*
  "I'm gonna call Preston."
  "Okay Keeley."
  "Yo, you guys ready to head to lunch? *pause* What do you mean you just started recording? Can't you pause it or something?"
  "Keeley a camera doesn't work that way, you should know that by now."
  "Alright, well we're outside ready to go. Ashton's expecting you. *pause* Great! See you in two!"
  I can't believe she used me as bait! We decided to sit on the curb and wait for the boys.
  "Who all is going to lunch?"
  "Preston, Rob, Lachlan, and Trent. So, pretty much the whole office."
  "They only have four people?! I thought they'd have at least six!"
  "Yeah, pretty crazy huh..."
We heard the door open behind us and we all turned around.
"Woah, did a rainbow throw up on your hair?"
"*gasp* You're so mean! Heh he."
"Wow, you guys look incredible."
"Oh, girls, meet Trent. Say hi Trent."
"Hello, I am Trent."
After everyone said hello, we all got into cars and headed to Five Guys. Turns out Preston and me are practically the same. We both like to play video games, only did francs is that he's inside more than I am. That doesn't matter though, what's matters is that we get to know each other.
"Anyone up for Never Have I Ever?"
"Sure! Who's going first?"
"I'll go. Never have I ever been to Canada."
"That's so not fair! Kelsey why?!"
Almost everyone except Keeley put a finger down. The boys had gone on a couple of trips with the whole Pack? I guess. I've only been to Canada once and that was two Christmas's ago. I think I actually met Preston before this...

"Ashton come on! Hurry your butt up!"
"Coming Caz!"
I rushed down the stairs and fell on the last step. Luckily, Caz was there to catch me. He fretted me with a kiss. Except, this kiss was different. It still had that warm feeling but, it felt sad.
"Caz? What's wrong?"
"It's nothing..."
"Tell me what's bothering you, we've been dating for six months now. You can trust me."
"'s about my parents..."
That's day, I learned that Caz wasn't the athletic boy I fell in love with. Turns out he's just as broken as me.
"Hey lovebirds, let's go!"
"Right! Come on Caz."
We headed towards the slopes with our snowboards and skis. It was really cold here in Canada but, it felt really good. Not really sure who came up with the idea to race down the hill but, we ended up doing just that.
The wind was blowing in the direction of us, my hair was flying behind me like a kite. I looked to my side to see if I could see Caz. Nowhere to be seen, must be behind me. I looked back to where I was going, oops...
"We'er coming!"
"Maybe you s-should l-ow...look were you're going next time."
"I'm so-ow so sorry..."
"Preston are you and this girl okay?"
"I think so...just a little bruised."
"I'm okay..."
"Here, let me help you up."
Caz came running over. He threw his helmet off and helped me up.
"Are you okay? Are you hurt? Do you need a doctor?"
"Caz I'm fine, question is if he's okay."
I looked at the mysterious boy with brown hair. He had a beanie on that had a flame on it. His friend finally got him to his feet.
"I'm am so sorry, I should have been looking were I was going."
I then took off my helmet and stuck out my hand.
"My names Ashton by the way."
The minute he touched my glove I felt a connection. Nothing compared to what me and Caz had.
"Come on Ash, if he's okay we should probably get back to the lodge and finish packing."
"Right! Well, it was nice bumping into you!"
I put my helmet back on and raced Caz down the mountain.

~End of Flash Back~

Preston was the guy I ran into on my snowboard!
"What are you talking about?"
"Did I say that out loud?"
"Yes, yes you did."
"Well, looks like I better explain."
We were there for about 20 more minutes until my explanation was over. The sun was finally showing through the clouds.
"Hey, let's go. We've got a dance to work on."
I threw away all my trash and then went to grab my phone. It was no-where on the table so, I checked underneath.
"Looking for this?"
"Your phone, you dropped in on the ground."
"Oh, thank you. Uh, bye."
"Pleasures all mine."
I grabbed my phone from the guy and tried not to let our hands touch. Well, that didn't work. His touch was so familiar though, almost as if I had just felt it a couple of minutes ago. I shrugged it off and walked out the door. There were no more seats in the car Preston was in so, I had to ride with Lachlan in the back. I didn't mind it, Lachlan's a pretty cool guy once you get to know him.

~Time Skip: Dance Studio~

We decided on the song Faded instead of Drive. Faded is a more contemporary price of music which will be easy for all of us to dance to. Guess four years of ballet can come in handy. As we were stretching my phone rang.
*You use to call me on my Cell Phone. Late night when you need my Love*
"Really Ashton..."
I grabbed my phone and answered it.
"Preston? Are you okay?"
"I'm fine. I just have something to ask you."
"W-would you *ahem* um like to go to the park this evening?"
"Who all is coming?"
"No one. I mean, just us..."
"I'd love to."
"Great, I'll pick you up at 6:00."
"Do I need to wear anything special?"
"No, shorts and a t-shirt will be okay."
"Alright, bye Preston."
"Bye. *beep* She said yes!"
"You do realize you didn't hang up the phone right?"
"Oh fudge..."
"Heh he..."
I actually ended the call and put my phone back in my bag.
"Sooooooo, Preston asked you something?"
"Y-yeah, he asked me on a d-date..."
They all did their fangirl dance and then they looked at me.
"Girl, we have a date to get you ready for."
May the 4th be with you...⭐️
Sorry about not updating on Sunday. Turns out I'm some what sick again. I have a terrible ear infection, my mom was surprised I could even hear out of it! It's that bad. So, that's why there wasn't a chapter up. I'm going to try to get back on schedule so that I can update my Save Me book if possible. Also, anyone else gonna fangirl about the date? No, just me?
🎮Keep on Gaming! Peace...👾

Be on the look out for a special May the 4th Chapter! 😆

Summer Heat (PrestonPlayz Fanfic) Completed •Wattys2017• Where stories live. Discover now