Chapter 1

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Ashton's POV
  *beep, beep, beep, beep*
  "Ugh...10 more minutes..."
  "Mm...How about a water gun to the face?"
"You have 3 seconds to get out of bed before Gabe sprays water in your face."
"You wouldn't..."
"Oh, I would. 1...2..."
By two I had the covers off of me and I was sitting up. I wasn't fully out of bed yet and my legs weren't awake quite yet.
"3...SPRAY HER!"
Gabe always did what Alex said so, he didn't have to think twice about the situation. He fired the water gun at my face but, I could tell he was having trouble because his hands started to slip. I took the opportunity and grabbed the water gun. Both of them froze.
"Look who has it now...Run."
That started running and I took off after them, my brothers are dorks sometimes. While I was running, I ran into my mom. Who is 8 months pregnant with baby Arabella. That belly is going to pop one day.
"Why are you wet?"
"The boys."
"Well, go dry off and get dressed. Dad already brought down your things and they're in the car."
"Okay, can you tell the boys they'll revive payback later?"
"Sure thing sweetheart. HEY BOYS QUITE RUNNING!"
I smiled at my mother and went back to my room. I grabbed my clothes for the plane ride and went to the bathroom to take a quick shower. Who knows what was in that water?
~1 Hot Shower Later~
I dried myself off and put on my outfit. I had a cute blue flowered dress on. It had a small brown belt in the middle which gave it a nice Texan look. I brushed my hair and blow dried it. I put some simple makeup on even though Keeley says I'm pretty with out it. I walked out of the bathroom, face to face with my brothers.
"*sigh* We're sorry we woke you up by spraying water in your face."
"And fow welling in wour face."
"I accept your apology. Now, go eat some breakfast."
They ran off as I walked towards my room. I sat on my semi-wet bed and put my boots on. I picked up my phone that had my Fire Fox case on. I scrolled through Instagram and liked a couple of photos. I finally unplugged my phone and grabbed my charger, putting it in my back pack. Along with a change of clothes, if I wanted to change. I grabbed my hat and my bag. I also grabbed my small brown bag and my moon and star necklace. I took one last look at my room and a sad smile crept up on my face. I was going to be gone the whole summer. I wasn't coming back until the end of August. I turned towards my door and closed it quietly, I then walked downstairs.
"Well good morning sleep head!"
"Morning dad."
"Sleep well?"
"Yep! I have everything with me!"
"You sure?"
"Yeah, backpack, bag, hat, phone, suitcases are already in your car. I don't think I'm forgetting anything else."
"Oh really? What about these?"
"Oh. My. GOODNESS! AHHH! Where did you find these?!"
"Well, your mom found them at the thrift store for only ten bucks. Plus, this."
He hand me the flower print sunglasses and a new cowboy hat. The one that I have now is worn out and coming apart. The hat looked the the same as my old one but, there was blue underneath the rim.
I gave him a huge hug and put my old hat on my hook. I was going to miss it but, it's probably best that I leave it here. I put the new hat on and instantly fell in love with it.
"Ooh...We gotta go or else we'll miss your flight. Is Kelsey meeting you there?"
"Yep! Let me grab a protein shake real quick."
"Okay, I'll be out in the car."
I went to the fridge and grabbed a Vanilla protein shake. As I was grabbing the rest of my stuff and heading out the door, I felt three pairs of eyes looking at me.
"Come here..."
I hugged my brothers and then hugged my mom. She was going to miss me the most.
"Be safe and have fun. I love you."
"I love you to mom. I'll be back before you know it!"
We let go and I went out to the car. I put my stuff in the trunk and quickly remebered something. I tapped on the window.
"I'll be right back."
"Hurry, we don't want to miss your flight!"
I ran back inside and grabbed my laptop off the table. Online collage doesn't really give you a break, it just gives you homework during the break. I went back out to the car and opened the car door. I sat in the front and put my seatbelt on. I was going to have so much fun with my friends this summer!
~Skip to Airport~
"Okay, are you sure you have everything?"
"Yes Dad, I have everything. My tickets in my purse and my suitcases are already heading to my plane. I'm just waiting fo-"
We ran into each other's arms. She started to squeeze me so tight I couldn't breath!
"Okay *breathe* you can let *breathe* go now!"
"Oh, sorry! I just haven't see you in forever! Hi Mr.Storm!"
"Hello Kelsey! Okay, well, here's an early birthday gift for you girls. Don't open it until you get on the plane."
"Dad, you didn't have to get us anything!"
"Well, your mother and I wanted to get you girls a small gift that you could have on the plane."
"Wow! Thank you Mr.Storm!"
"You'r welcome girls. Now, I gotta go. Call me when you land."
"Okay, bye dad."
"Bye sweetie."
"Oh, wait!"
Before he got to far, I hugged him from behind.
"Okay, now you can go."
"I'll miss ya and so will your mother."
"Yeah, I know. Bye dad!"
I turned back around and grabbed Kelsey's hand, pulling her to Gate 10.
"Hey! I can walk on my own you know!"
"I know! It's just fun to pull you!"
"Well, can you please let me go? I would like to get something to eat before I get on this plane!"
"*sigh* Fine..."
I let go and she stood up straight. She pulled her wallet out of her purse and walked over to the StarBucks near our Gate.
"Well, do you want anything or not?"
"Hm...Of course I do, I'm white!"
That made us both laugh. We quickly got our drinks and sat down.
"Now boarding, Gate 10 for flight 136."
"Yo, that's us."
We got our back packs and decided who would get the window and who would get the middle seat or the aisle, if the window was taken.
"Ticket please."
"Oh, sorry."
I handed the nice lady my ticket and she scanned it. Oh, fancy! I waited for Kelsey before boarding the plane.
"Come on Kelsey! If you don't hurry, all of the good seats will be taken!"
  "I'm comin, I'm comin."
  When we were on the actual plane, we had to go all the way to the back because there were no sections with two seats open.
  "Over there!"
  I looked over to where Kelsey was pointing. The window seat was open and it was just two seats. Score?
  "Let's hurry before they're taken."
  We moved swiftly pass everyone on the plane towards the back. Since Kelsey wanted the window, she gets the window. Which means I get the aisle seat but, I'm totally okay with that. We put our backpacks above us and sat down. I texted Keeley, telling her that we'd be there in an hour and a half.
AshtonIsBæ💕 Joined the chat
AshtonIsBæ💕- Keeley you better be at the airport when we arrive! We'll be there in 1hr and 30min
Keeley😍Sweet Joined the chat
BeachBabe😎 Joined the chat
Keeley😍Sweet- AHHHH! I'm so excited to see you guys! Me and Preston are going to come get you because he has nothing else to do😂
Beach😎Babe- Yo, airplane lady's trying to get your attention Ashton
AshtonIsBæ💕- BRB
AshtonIsBæ💕 Left the chat
I looked up and apologized to the lady.
"It's quite alright, may I see your ticket please?"
"Oh, sure."
I handed her mine and Kelsey ticket. She examined them and handed them back.
"You're suppose to be in First Class."
"Wait what? We can't afford those kind of tickets, there must be some mistake..."
"No, see. First class, right there underneath your flight number."
"Here, come with me and I'll take you to your seats."
We grabbed our backpacks and headed back towards the front. All of the seats were taken so, there must have been a mistake. She grabbed the small microphone thing next to her and spoke clearly into it.
"Good morning everyone, if I could have your attention please."
Everyone looked towards the back.
"Thank you. Now, there seems to have been some confusion in where to sit. Is there anyone here in first class that's not suppose to be?"
I looked around and no one stood up. Of course... No one wants to give up a really good seat to a couple of teenagers.
"Uh ma'am, I think we'll be okay with sitting in the back."
"No no, I insist."
I looked at Kelsey and we both sighed.
"*cough* We're suppose to be in the back but, there were no seats in the back and there were two seats open up here. We'll trade places with them."
It was a boy with burnet hair and green eyes, his friend had surfer boy hair which, Kelsey really digs. As they got their things, I couldn't help but stare at the boy with burnet hair. Why would he give up such a good seat?
"Aashtooon...Quite staring at dream boy."
My face became hot and a little pink. As we were walking by them, the boy with burnet hair winked at me.
Kelsey giggled, I jabbed her in the side. That shut her up. When we got to our seats, I noticed a small piece of paper in both seats.
"*sigh* Let me guess, their numbers..."
We put our backpacks above us and sat down, I felt like I was being stared at. Kelsey didn't really seem to notice because she was to busy texting that beach boy.
"Lady's and gentleman we will be taking off now. Please turn off all electronic devices and fasten your seat belts. If you have any questions or concerns please take to one of the attendees. Thank you and enjoy your flight!"
"Kelsey, turn your phone off."
No answer. This time, I poked her and she listened.
"Turn your phone off. We're taking off."
I didn't realize it at first but, we were slowly picking up speed. I closed my eyes to relax myself a bit more. I mean, it's my first time flying so, I'm a little scared.
"Hey, open your eyes. We're off the ground."
I looked out the window and saw a beautiful sunrise. Even though it was 8:45, planes rise faster than the sun does.
"All passengers may turn on their cell phones. You may not remove your seat belt just yet, we're expecting some turbulences."
I grabbed my phone and turned it on. I asked Kelsey to take a picture of the sky for me and she did. When she handed my phone back I got a text from a number I didn't recognize.
AshtonIsBæ💕 Joined the chat
BrendonTheHottie💦 Joined the chat
BrendonTheHottie💦- Hey, I believe you're sitting in my seat but, it's cool. I'd give up my seat to you again if I got the chance😉😏
AshtonIsBæ💕- Oh, thank you for that...
BeachBabe😎 Joined the chat
BeachBabe😎- Ashton, I'm sorry... I had to... His friend was begging me to give it to him...
AshtonIsBæ💕- Kelsey... What did you give him?
BeachBabe😎- Yourphonenumber...
AshtonIsBæ💕 Left the chat
BeachBabe😎- Sorry Brandon... Wish me luck that I don't die!😁😅
BeachBabe😎 Left the chat
Hope you guys enjoyed chapter one! So, I wanted you guys to et to know the characters more so, that's why this chapter is so long... Yeah... 2000 words long... Longest chapter I have EVER written. There will be more like this one to come though! 😂
Stay Dark My Friends...

Summer Heat (PrestonPlayz Fanfic) Completed •Wattys2017• जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें