"He killed warlocks and they never found all the bodies. We'd all stood with the Clave for centuries." Axel cuts in the story.

"How could that not matter to him?" Clary asks, pausing her drawing.

"He was obsessed with ensuring purity of blood. Convinced that the impurities were a threat to peace." Magnus continued answering her question.

"He was the threat to peace." Clary states.

"Mad men rarely make sense. Mostly, they just hate and he hated the Downworlders, for the gifts that we possess that he could not have. He hated us enough to kill us all." Magnus said taking a sip of his drink. He offered a glass to Axel who gladly took it.

"He tried killing me once. Since I'm here, he obviously failed but now he's after me." Axel says making Clary look at him with wide eyes.

"Ever since my mother was kidnapped, and the Shadow World invaded my life, so many Downworlders have helped me, not even thinking about what it might cost them. How could Valentine not see good in any of them?"

"He was blinded by his ambition." Magnus simply replied.

"Why didn't the Clave stop him?"

"He was clever. He and his followers, they managed to convince the Clave that the Downworlders they killed on their special missions had violated the Accords in some way
complete fabrications." Axel clenched his fists and remembered the time where Valentine killed one of his friends. He made the Clave think he killed humans and blamed shadowhunter deaths on him.

"How could the Clave not see?"

"Shadowhunters believe in the Law as absolute. They could never conceive of one of their own going astray." Magnus walked towards Axel who was still working on the antidote. He hummed in satisfaction when he saw that Axel didn't screw up.

"My father didn't go astray, Magnus. He went insane."

"What happened back then is happening again. The Clave refuses to believe that Valentine's a threat. Nineteen years ago, their lack of vision allowed the Circle to almost decimate the entire Shadow World." Magnus said to Clary who pieced everything together.

"That was the Uprising?" She asked but she knew she was right.

"Yes. Valentine wanted to create a new Shadowhunter army. And for that, he needed the Mortal Cup. He knew it would be on display at the signing of the Accords as a show of the Clave's power. He seized the opportunity to accomplish everything he ever wanted.
Destroy the Accords, murder Downworlders, and secure the Cup."

"How could my mom and Luke be a part of something like this?"

"Jocelyn and Luke tried to prevent the Uprising. They tried to change Valentine's mind about Downworlders." Axel said, remembering when Jocelyn told her about what she tried to do to convince him to help her. 

"Obviously, they didn't."

"Clary, if it wasn't for your mother and Luke, the Circle would have won." Magnus said looking at her drawings.

"Ever since I found out Valentine was my father, I wondered how my mother could be married to someone like that and why she stayed."

Sweetheart • Alec LightwoodOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz