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Please don't be mad at me after you read this¡!🙂💔.
Shout out to MadridistaForever25 for being the first to guess what will happen!💖

"What the fuck" i yelled as i saw Isco naked on the bed with another girl tears started forming in my eyes.

"Adelina" Isco said.

"Fuck you" i yelled walking aways and i was pulled back by Sergio I just pushed him off and went upstairs.

"Adelina stop" Isco yelled.

I went to my room locking the door i was crying like hell why would he do this to me?that's why have been out this whole time i cried even more.

"Adelina open its me Sergio" sergio knocked on my door.

"I don't want to leave me alone" i yelled.

"Adelina believe me Isco is drunk" he said knocking.

"Sergio leave me" i said taking some tissues and rubbing my tears but I couldn't stop i really thought he loved me he meant the world to me wtf did he do.

"I won't leave until you open" He said i gave up and opened the door i just huggegd him and cried more on his chest.

"Shhh it's okay" he said.

"Wtf is okay" i said.

"He isn't in his mind now" he said.

"Why did he even leave me" i said.

"He was partying with dani out" he said rubbing my back.

"He could've told me wtf is this I won't forgive him for the rest of my life" i cried.

"Adelina believe me Isco is a really good guy and he would never think of hurting you he's drunk right now" he said.

"Too late" i said standing back and using my sleeves to wipe my tears.

"I can't see you like this" he said.

"How did you know" i said.

"Know what" he said.

"Sergio are you being dumb how did you know he was fucking a girl" i said crying.

"Oh sorry i just heard moanings from my room" he said which made me cry more.

"And I thought it was you with him but i went up to check on you" he said.

"Okay okay stop" i said sitting in the couch holding my head and tears fell on my cheek i felt Sergio sitting next to me.

"What time is it" i said.

"It's 2 in the morning" he said.

"I want to travel back to the US right now" i said.

"Adelina i really want you to stay here" He said.

"I can't see Isco in the morning" i said.

"He won't remember a anything" He said.

"Anways am travelling tomorrow night" i said.

"I will miss you so much" he said holding my hand and i pulled back.

"Can you leave" i said not looking at him.

"Okay" he said sounding hurt.

"Remember i still love you" he said closing the door.

I just sat in the bed crying even more until the morning I didn't get any sleep I didn't feel like it.
I decided to go to the bathroom and wash my ugly ass face when i stood infront of the mirror i saw the dark circles under my eyes and my skin looked pale i just looked really sick which made me tear.
Why am i always treated like this.

"Why am i crying for a guy" i said washing my face but I couldn't i sat on the floor crying more.
I took a hot shower which relaxed my body.
I stood infront of the mirror drying my hair i took my makeup bag.
I took the concealer and concealed under my eyes and blended it i did my makeup so i will look fresh.
I straightened my hair and went back to my room taking my adidas superstar,black jeans, and a grey bandeau i tied my hair in a pony tail and i went downstairs.

"Good morning babe" i said isco approaching me.

"Don't fucking touch me" i said pushing his hands away and going to the kitchen.

"Wtf just happened" marcelo said.

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