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I didn't know where to go and what to do I didn't know this much about Spain.
So i decided to stop a cab and go to a near by club.

"Your id" the security said as he was standing in the door.

"Wait a min" i said opening my purse searching for my id and i found it.

"Okay you can go in" he said letting me in I searched for the bar so many people were dancing and grinding against eachother i just went through them and i reached the bar.

"One cocktail please" i said to the bartender and he nodded his head.

"Wow what a coincidence" i heard someone saying and i looked behind me to see Neymar.

"Uh hey Neymar" i said hugging him and he hugged back.

"How have you been Adelina you look so beautiful" he said.

"Awh thank you,nothing much what about you" i said smiling and he sat next to me.

"I am injured and I won't be able to play tomorrow" he said and i just nodded taking my glass and i was about to pay for it when Neymar stopped me.

"i will pay for you" he said.

"No thank you" i said giving the bartender the money.

"So are you in a relation" he said.

"Yeah I'm Taken"i said.

"And who's the lucky guy" he said making me blush.

"Thanks and it's Isco" i said smiling sipping from my drink.

Me and Neymar chatted and i got to know more about him.

"So do you want to hangout" he said.

"I don't know i have to get home before the guys come back from training" i said.

"Well we can go somewhere fun and spend our day before the guys come home" he said.

"Well if it's like this than am okay" i said.

"So where do you want to go" i said as we left the bar and we went in his car.

"We will go and spend our day in a funfair" he said.

"Well that's fun" i said smiling.

It was really fun with Neymar i spent my whole day with him he was really a kind,and funny person.
He drove me back to Madrid's mansion.

"Bye and thanks"i said.

"Anytime bye" he said.

I waved for him and i left entering the gates and yeah the security checking me.
I knocked on the door and a worried Isco opened the door.

"Omg" he said pulling me in.

"Where were you the whole time we are worried about you" Sergio yelled.

"And can't i have some privacy" i said.

"Well you could atleast have told us we were dead worried" gareth said.

"Seriously guys" i said.

"Seriously what we got back and we didn't see you and the guards said you left" cristiano said.

"I was out with Neymar nothing more" i said.

"What" Isco said.

"Why can't a girl have some friends" i said.

"But not our rivals" Sergio said.

"You guys can mind your own businesses and i will mind my own" i said going upstairs and i was pulled back by Isco.

"Wow" james said.

"You heart my little heart" pepe said.

"Oh do you have a heart" gareth said and i chuckled a bit.

"Adelina don't do this again" Sergio said and i glared at him.

"Really i was so worried about you, you could've called me"isco said.

"Wtf guys it's not like i am dead am here right now and Neymar is just a friend can't you guys get it I'm taken I won't and will never do anything i will regret" i said pulling my hand away and going upstairs to my room locking the door.

2nd birthday update¡💖

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