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Nobody's pov.
"Sergio where are you going" Cris said looking at his friend who was grabbing his clothes.

"Sergio" Gareth said stopping when he saw his friend packing his bag.

"Guys I am going to Adelina" Sergio said grabbing his credit card and wallet.

"But you don't know where she is America is freaking big" Gareth said leaning against the door.

"That's why her father exists and If she doesn't come back with me I am blaming it on you guys" Sergio said angrily as he picked up his suitcase going downstairs.

"Isco don't talk to me" Sergio yelled as he saw Isco opening his mouth to talk to him.

"I swear to god if Adelina doesn't come back we are no more going to live in this mansion" Sergio yelled.

"Can you calm down" Marcelo said.

"Do you know it's because of Isco she is gone" sergio said.

"No it's because of your stupid attitude" Isco said.

"You can shut the fuck up you could've told me" Sergio said.

"But I promised Adelina" Isco said.

"Promise her bitch what you've told everyone but me" Sergio said exiting the mansion.

"Bring Adee" James yelled.

Hey sorry for a short update but i am sitting in a café and writing it lol.

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