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Adelina's pov.
"So are you Sergio's wife" De gea said as he was playing with the straw in his cup.

"I said soon to be He's my fiancé" I said showing him the diamond ring.

"Nice but do you bet that he's fucking another girl right now" He said smirking.

"I doubt it" I said rolling my eyes sitting back.

"Not trying to ruin anything but you still don't know him" He said looking me straight in the eyes.

"What's your point" I said a bit in an annoyed tone.

"Hm I don't have a point to prove I am just saying becareful" He said.

"From what" I said rolling my eyes at how annoying he was.

"From Sergio" He said standing up and leaving a piece of paper at the table.

"Hey what's that" I said.

"Adiós" He said waving going out of the resturant I grabbed the paper to see a phone number.
I stood up from my seat heading to my room what if his words were true.
Sergio's pov.
"So you guys won't make the wedding here" Marcelo said as he sat in the couch.

"I think it will be in the US as she said she wants to stay there" I said.

"Then we all should attend" Gareth said.

"Ofcourse we should dumbshit" Cris said.

"No need to be rude" Gareth defended.

"Gareth stop being annoying" Pepe said making Cris chuckle.

"I hate this cruel world" Gareth said going upstairs leaving his friends discussing.

"I think I will head to sleep now" Sergio said stretching his arm.

"Oh I saw Sergio's dick tattoo" James said.

"I hate you James" Cris said annoyingly.

"goodnight guys" Sergio chuckled going upstairs to receive a facetime from Adelina.
Closing the door he answered the call smiling at how cute his fiancée looks.

"So babe I called to show you something" Adelina smirked oh god she looks so hot.

"And what is that thing" I said.

"So I buyed some new lingeries and I want you tell me which one looks best" Adelina said looking at me in a cheeky smile.

"Oh com'on" I groaned.

"Black lace or the red corset I need one for tomorrow night" Adelina said making me look at her in confusion.

"Tomorrow night hey where are you going" I said.

"Amma tell you after modeling for you" Adelina said.

"Oh god here we go you know how much you will make me want you after this" I said.

"Well that's my point" She said winking getting undressed.

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